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metal (DayZ)

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Everything posted by metal (DayZ)

  1. metal (DayZ)

    Dissapearing tents...

    Today I visited some camp that I usually go to for resupply and it was completely gone, about two dozens of tents.
  2. metal (DayZ)

    M107 with Backpack?

    There is no such thing as 'the only reason'.
  3. metal (DayZ)

    M107 with Backpack?

    I have Mk 48 and a coyote backpack right now, they stack together just fine.
  4. metal (DayZ)

    M107 with Backpack?

    Stupid hacker spawned himself M107 instead of M107_DZ. Genuine .50 cals and machineguns from Arma2 take up primary slot AND backpack slot, their slightly modified versions from DayZ take up only primary slot to make our lives a bit easier.
  5. metal (DayZ)

    What about adding AH-6X.

    Yes. More stuff to play with is always good. I have ran out of things to do, I am sure that many others have as well and additions like this could keep us playing.
  6. metal (DayZ)

    Remove the AS-50 and M107. Introduce the KSVK.

    Why remove anything? Just add KSVK. Maybe make other .50 cals a bit more rare, not that it would make any difference in the current state of the game. Add more stuff!
  7. metal (DayZ)

    Ejecting from heli = Death

    It is a bug in Arma2, opening a parachute=death. Then your body falls to the ground and your parachute floats like normal, except there is nothing attached to it.
  8. metal (DayZ)

    Moon phase?

    Moon phases are implemented in Arma2, in DayZ they're tied to server time so sometimes they're same as in reality, most of the time admins set their server time halfassedly so moon can be anywhere. Some servers even change their time multiple times per day.
  9. metal (DayZ)

    L85 + AS50 vs L85 + M14

    These days you need to kill them in one shot, otherwise they'll just d/c on you, so AS50 or M107 is your best choise
  10. metal (DayZ)

    M16/M4 Beta Mags

    DayZ is a mod on top of Arma2, all items from Arma2 are already there. That is why hackers are able to spawn items and vehicles that aren't in DayZ. All it takes to add an item from Arma2 to DayZ is to type it's name and spawn probability at a proper place in a file called config.cpp and after new version release it will start spawning in DayZ.
  11. metal (DayZ)

    M16/M4 Beta Mags

    It would take as long of development time as it takes to type "100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag". If you ask me "should <insert name of any item from arma2> be added?" my answer is YES. Rarity of spawns is different question.
  12. metal (DayZ)

    Fuck the coast spawning bug.

    I can confirm that teleporting is caused by killing the game while still connecting to a server. I guess I'll just stay on the coast and kill fresh spawns if that is what the game wants from me.
  13. metal (DayZ)

    The Power of a Towel

    It is not my culture. Shemaghs are being used by British military for decades now and adopted by many other military forces of the western world. As for criminal/villainous look, as Andrej said, in western culture you are not supposed to hide your face. But in the field it is often necessary to cover your face to protect it from hazards of nature. Also it looks kind of cool.
  14. metal (DayZ)

    The Power of a Towel

    It is called a shemagh, not a towel. I have few of them in RL, it is a very useful item.
  15. metal (DayZ)

    How the Places in Chernarus Got Their Names

    Well, village names do not always make sense in Russia. As for Lopatino, it could be named after WWII hero Pyotr Lopatin, or someone else bearing the same name. Wikipedia knows 14 people with this last name. There are also 25 places called Lopatino on Wikipedia.
  16. metal (DayZ)

    How the Places in Chernarus Got Their Names

    Most names can't be translated literally because of how settlements are typically named, for example Chernogorsk contains words for 'black mountain' but the ending and the way in which words are connected suggest that it is a name of a city. I will not put something like 'a city of...' at every line, I'll just use a word from which a settlement name is derived. Kamenka - stone, rock (kamen', камень) Komarovo - mosquito (komar, комар) Nizhnoye - lower (not 'underwear' as your article states, lol) Prigorodki - suburb Bor - pine forest (it could be boron as well but pine forest makes more sense imo) Drozhino - yeast (drozhi, дрожжи) Dubrovka - oak (dub, дуб) Grishino - Grisha - diminutive male name, Russian version of Gregory Gvozdno - most probably derived from gvozd' (гвоздь) - nail. Seems like non Russian name but from some other Slavic language. Kozlovka - I don't know about Duke Kozlov, it makes sense because Kozlov is common last name. Derived from word 'kozel' - goat. Lopatino - shovel (lopata, лопата) Mogilevka - grave (mogila, могила) Msta - probably from mest' (месть) - vengeance. Myshkino - mouse (mysh, мышь) Nadezhdino - hope (nadezhda, надежда), there is also female name Nadezhda, literally meaning Hope. Orlovets - eagle (orel, орёл) Olsha - probably from ольха (olkha) - alder Petrovka - male name Peter Pogorevka - one who lost his house to fire Pustochka - wasteland (pustosh, пустошь) Rogovo - horn (rog, рог) Sosnovka - pine (sosna, сосна) Balota - probably from 'boloto' - swamp
  17. metal (DayZ)

    How the Places in Chernarus Got Their Names

    Yeah you're right, there are a few more, I didn't read it very carefully.
  18. metal (DayZ)

    How the Places in Chernarus Got Their Names

    So, the list has only one name translated - Chernogorsk. And it is translated inaccurately. Chernogorsk means 'the city of a black mountain'. Elektrozavodsk - Electric factory Berezino - Birch town Zelenogorsk - city of a green mountain Krasnostav - Krasno means red, stav means nothing, or it could be related to an old word 'ставка' - headquarters. So red headquarters it is. I can translate others if anyone interested.
  19. They spawn a helicopter and chase people around with it, teleporting people to their heli while in the air. I know that their heli is not legit because I had legit one at the moment, lost it too. Edit to match guidelines: Server name: DE 332 Time: 18:20 GMT What happened: I was flying a helicopter when I noticed that another heli is firing at me, I had no gunner because he died a minute before that for no visible reason at all, so I ran but they kept teleporting to near my position. My gunner respawned but only to be teleported to their heli and fall to his death. My fuel was running low so I crashed into a power line to deny them pleasure of killing me. When I looked at my 'You are dead' screen, I saw messages saying that everyone on server was killed.
  20. metal (DayZ)

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    I tried Lingor very briefly and I don't know why but it seemed to me that it had the same feel as fan made maps for old Duke Nukem 3D. Maybe it plays good but the quality is just not the same as original maps.
  21. metal (DayZ)

    Take out .50 cals

    Why, so nobody can kill you in one shot before you disconnect?
  22. metal (DayZ)


    It is there for anyone to take.
  23. metal (DayZ)

    Why this mod is failing

    tl;dr also it is not failing
  24. metal (DayZ)

    Increase visibility range and reduce fog

    I am sure anyone who spent some time behind sniper rifle scope can understand what I am talking about. Others will say "just the weather".
  25. metal (DayZ)

    Increase visibility range and reduce fog

    You see, 800m is not enough for me, I want at least twice of that.