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metal (DayZ)

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About metal (DayZ)

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  1. Maybe it needs to be done but don't expect to be praised by the majority of people for killing someone. You'd be a monster in their eyes. Of course I am speaking about RL now, not a game. In a game the higher your kill count the better.
  2. I doubt killing people can be considered a humane act, even if they're bandits.
  3. GBTP, I simply tried to give you a warning about what could happen. Tried to help you, just because I can. And you started to act like you're better then I am. Now you even implied that I need to ask your forgiveness because my English is not perfect. And as you said, you like to think you are good person. Well, I don't think you are. Such arrogance can not be good.
  4. Your profile says you're from Portland, OR, I thought people generally speak English there, sorry if I mistaken. In what language would you prefer me to explain my point to you?What I was saying is that when you kill someone or even shoot at someone your humanity will drop. When it drops below -2000 your skin will change to a bandit skin without any warning. At this moment everything will twitch slightly, it is likely that you will lose your target, especially if you were looking down the sights of your rifle at the moment. Your weapon may switch to your sidearm, also you may lose your backpack. Next thing you know - the guy you were shooting at simply kills you while you are trying to reacquire your target. This is what may happen if you walk around in a survivor or a hero skin, or a bandit skin with your humanity slightly below -2000. This is why wearing your ghillie or camo, or getting your humanity very low will prevent those unpleasant events from happening. Another way is to get your humanity very high, but it is more difficult thing to do. I hope this time I explained it clear enough for you to understand.
  5. As you said yourself, it is because of clothing change bug.I advise you always wear your ghillie/camo or get your humanity to superhumanly low values asap so you never get out of your bandit skin, otherwise skin change will emerge from the darkness and bite you in the ass when you expect it the least as it happened to me yesterday.
  6. That means it will never be released.
  7. metal (DayZ)

    Something funny happened today

    You saying that I actually was a hacker and killed everyone on that server, then made up this story to tell on the forums? Well, if I am a hacker then your bullet wouldn't hurt me and if I am not you will coldbloodedly murder an innocent man!
  8. metal (DayZ)

    Something funny happened today

    Maybe he wasn't even a hacker. Here is what happened to me few weeks ago. I was closing on 30 days of playing without dying so I had pretty much everything (Ghillie, Coyote backpack, AS50, L85, M4 SD, NVG, Rangefinder, GPS and so on). I was on my way near Solnechny quarry when I heard footsteps behind my back, I started to turn around but heard shots and was killed in place. I respawned and few seconds later everyone on the server was killed (I had nothing to do with it). Now imagine what that guy who killed me must have thought. He kills a guy with every useful item in game and seconds later everyone killed. I am pretty sure he thought I was a hacker, although I wasn't.
  9. Characters in the Survivor skin may appear in different colors to different people at the same time. You may see yourself wearing black clothes but someone standing next to you might see you for example in jeans and white shirt. So there is really no point in switching between different sets of civilian clothing with a purpose of altering your appearance.
  10. It always happens when you change clothes. If you relogin your stats should be back, plus whatever you gained while they were reset. If your humanity is near 0 and you want a hero skin then you can exploit this to get it without spending anything except time. Just wait till your humanity gets to 2500, change clothes, wait till it gets to 2500 again, relogin, now you should have a hero skin. Also because of the same bug your humanity is slowly increasing without a limit if you wearing a hero skin and relogging once it gets to 2500.
  11. metal (DayZ)

    Server Ban for AS50 TWS: Debate

    You could as well say that if every server auto-banned everyone who tries to log in then you would not see any cheaters at all.
  12. metal (DayZ)

    Server Ban for AS50 TWS: Debate

    In my opinion it should be not bannable to have in your possession or to use anything that you have legitimately obtained, no matter if it 'should' or 'should not' be in game.
  13. metal (DayZ)

    Server Ban for AS50 TWS: Debate

    There is not going to be any trouble for an admin, they can ban whoever they want for any reason and without any reason at all, regardless of any 'rules'. Things like that should not be forbidden, they should be impossible to do. If the game allows it then it should not be punishable. Devs should reattach their hands from their asses back to their shoulders and fix the damn game. Or just ban everyone, because I really doubt that there are someone who still haven't used an item that was spawned by hackers or duped.
  14. metal (DayZ)

    What about adding AH-6X.

    No need to remove, just add. As much as I would love to get my hands on Mi-24 I realize this is not going to happen, but Mi-8 would be very nice to have. It has two side machineguns just like Huey, it is heavier and less maneuverable but faster than Huey.
  15. metal (DayZ)

    Banned from DE 1174, not sure why...

    Few days ago I have been banned for no apparent reason from many servers, I assume they share a ban list. So now, based on my experience from these few days I've been trying to get myself unbanned I can tell you this. Once you're banned they no longer view you as a human being*, you're just a cheater to them now and don't deserve their attention. Nobody will ever believe that you have been banned for nothing, even those who will voice their support for you will still think that you are guilty or at least have doubts. So I guess best thing to do for you would be just to either move on or set your life's goal to destroy that server and ruin admin's life (j/k). *They probably never have, because many admins are superhumanly arrogant.