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About joeh2005

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  1. I got bored so I decided to start reading some books that I picked up in dayz. This is a passage I read from the book "King Solomons Mines" it lined up a lot with the type of play style I want to pursue . It also reminds me of the cruel world of dayz. I try to mind my business and then some new spawn appears out of nowhere punching me, trying to take my weapon. I then have to defend myself and put him down. I don't want to fight all I want to do is find some gear, help people, and eventually hunt me some deer.... "At any rate, I was born a gentleman, though I have been nothing but a poor travelling trader and hunter all my life. Whether I have remained so I known not, you must judge of that. Heaven knows I've tried. I have killed many men in my time, yet I have never slain wantonly or stained my hand in innocent blood, but only in self-defence. The Almighty gave us our lives, and I suppose He meant us to defend them, at least I have always acted on that, and I hope it will not be brought up against me when my clock strikes. There, there, it is a cruel and a wicked world, and for a timid man I have been mixed up in a great deal of fighting."
  2. joeh2005

    Found a new building in Staroye

    For some reason when I saw that perfectly fresh orange in that dirty sink it made me laugh a little, gotta love the loot spawns. But yeah those hospital buildings are old now, they can be found in many towns.
  3. joeh2005

    Possible new military base?

    Yeah I don't mind, I just hope they lower weapon loots, ammo loot, and food loot. But it is alpha and there is a lot of testing that still needs to go on. When they add hunting they need to definitely lower food loot. Oh alright gotcha, yeah I don't hang out around ne airfield much so i wasn't sure.
  4. I hope someone got that anti stab vest, I feel bad leaving it now just because it was pristine.
  5. I found this place while running to the new town in the ne airfield area. I think it might be a location for a future military base. There is a military building there, one of those buildings you can't enter, and a green tower. Anyone else noticed this place? Is it old? Here is a pic of it, sorry it was a night time pic. http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/3281177154188781961/A273218689A44F03ECE6BCE76AB8694E8EEEB7DF/ The coordinates on the http://dayzdb.com map are 109, 019 just a little north east of the NE airfield
  6. Wow that sucks and is probably a major reason why your game is running slow.
  7. With my wife using chromecast right now I just checked my speed on speedtest.net and I am only getting 8 mbps lol
  8. Right now normally I only get like 15 mbps.
  9. Yeah lol it is extremely laggy for me tonight. I think it has to do with my internet speed. I have cable internet with 50 mbps but I can only use my router and I get like 15 mbps and my wife was using chromecast to watch a show during that time so it was painfully slow. But this upcoming Tuesday I have the internet company coming in to install the internet in the room where my computer is so I can directly plug in and get the full 50 mbps. I am hoping that will fix my issue or otherwise its just the game causing it.
  10. This is the video I saw of someone in action with it that made me want it.
  11. I want it because the recoil is low, it is quiet against player, and you can fire shots really fast. I want my mosin for long range and my .22 for up close or my hangun.Idk why but that .22 just looks like it would be so much fun!
  12. You mean the new tavern? I have looted one of them before, I think I should check them out more. All I found in there was some food and a map, but thank you for pointing that out to me.
  13. The 30 round mag for the 22 I found in a military prison building top floor. I can not remember where I found my 1911 mag but I am pretty sure it was a military spawn.
  14. I once found the book of Job from the bible in a prison building but my game was acting up a lot during that time and I lost it :(