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Posts posted by whichway

  1. Name: SG Warlord

    Server: Dallas Fra

    Date: 24/06

    Time: 03:50pm

    Was glitched into the the building on top of the Hospital in Elektro that you should not be able to enter. Not sure how I am supposed to get screenshots as I'd clearly have been caught, they even invited a player I play with in and gloated about it over side chat.

    Not whining that I died, because I didn't, I generally avoid Cities on the coast and play north.

    I'm simply reporting cheating (what this section of the forum is for) and a glitch.

  2. SG Team using the hospital roof glitch in Elektro' date=' they're usually on the Dallas Fra server.

    Some of the names are:

    SG Warlord

    SG Nightstalker

    And there are around 2 - 4 others.

    The SG stands for Smart Gaming.. not so smart eh.

    Get them banned.


    Go to te

    What roof bugs? Did you take pics or fraps anything? Not sure what your referring too tbh.

    Go to Elektro, the hospital roof, and you can crawl into the room right on the top. No one can see you and you can pretty much see everything around you.
