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About bigmike2716

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. bigmike2716

    questions about purchasing a server

    That really is a shame, as it really should be a survival game first, PK game second, atleast according to the video Rocket did with Total Biscuit, which it clearly is not as people shoot you on sight, whether you have a weapon or not. I just dont uderstand how you can pay a fee per month for a server, yet not be able to do something as simple as PW the server you are paying for. Meanwhile i have read threads where people are lurking clan forums and using vague screenshots and videos to pinpoint that clans base, then raiding it, which is clearly metagaming, but this is okay.
  2. Hello, a friend and i wanted to get a server for us to play on, along with some other friendly survivors, but after some research, apparently if you PW your server you can be blacklisted. We are really only interested in the survival aspect of the game with zombies, and do not wish to deal with players who just PK. What does being blacklisted do? we would be fine with not being able to carry over our characters to non PW servers, all we want is to be able to play in peace. Basically, if blacklisted, can we still have characters on that server that save there, and can we still keep up to date with patch/bug fixes that Rocket puts out? Again, we understand why it would get blacklisted (can just gear up safely on PW protected server, then go to public server and ravage players), but we have no interest whatsoever in what we call "the call of duty" portion of the game. Thank you for taking the time to read this.