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Everything posted by Ghandi

  1. As much as I love to show my support for the hard work the devs are doing, your clearly at this point not vetting people properly before granting them rights to host your mod. This server here I think says it all. "* The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen * no PK" A server than prohibits/bans PKers. EDIT: Removed names so individuals don't get harassed, this is a thread addressed to the server directly.
  2. Ghandi

    You know what's amusing?

    Look out, we got a badass over here.
  3. Ghandi

    Clear proof of wall hacks.

    tbh, without sounding mean, here's what I think happened, he created the thread actually believing he had been killed by a hack, then someone points out his simple mistake, he realises he has been a bit silly for not noticing it and simply rolls with the "yeah....I was trolling" attitude that some people suggested. Some people have a hard time admitting when they are wrong. noo, thats genuinly what happened, (i obviously didnt think he hacked) and im not pretending to troll, im just providing material for kewl forum kids to jack off to. but my reaction in the video wouldnt have been like it was in the video if i was trolling Cool, well I hope this experience was as rewarding for you as you had hoped, bye! *leaves thread*
  4. Ghandi

    Clear proof of wall hacks.

    tbh, without sounding mean, here's what I think happened, he created the thread actually believing he had been killed by a hack, then someone points out his simple mistake, he realises he has been a bit silly for not noticing it and simply rolls with the "yeah....I was trolling" attitude that some people suggested. Some people have a hard time admitting when they are wrong.
  5. Ghandi

    Clear proof of wall hacks.

    Only if it comes with free sunglasses.
  6. Ghandi

    Clear proof of wall hacks.

    thats my dead friend and a corpse we looted That would be the wrong stairs. oh yeah.. well he wall hacked into there' date=' i shut the door myself, theres no way he got in [/quote'] He must be trolling, then again, he is from Liverpool. :D Being serious though, we have enough reports of hacking going on right now without bogus reports like this, please vet your evidence more careful in the future before posting, thanks! :)
  7. I hate to be "that guy" again, I recently posted an incident of a server admin punishing play-styles he didn't agree with. (Check it out here if you wish http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=22367 ) Well another day, another server and today's topic is about a server admin willing to reset the entire server should anyone use barbed wire or tank traps in a way which he does not like, furthermore should any camps be discovered in the wilderness (or any vehicles for that matter) well then that also equals a server reset. SERVER NAME: BE3 Nowhere-kids Server ISSUE: Their MOTD reads " WARNING: Locking buildings with barbed wires/tank trap kits, making camps and stacking vehicules in the wilderness will lead to a map reset." I get it OK, it sucks if you cant get over barbed wire etc because you haven't found a tool box or if you are having a hard time finding that motorbike you always wanted. But all the actions this guy feels warrants a server reset are perfectly within the bounds of acceptability in terms of gameplay. Is it frustrating/annoying? Yes. Is it cheating/expoliting? No. As such, you shouldn't be punishing the entire server with a reset for this kind of behavior, its simply unacceptable. Am I the only one getting sick of entitled admins feeling they can change the rules to suit either themselves or their clans? Hosting a server does not grant you the power or permission to tell others how to play the game or restrict how they are use in-game items, that's the bottom line. To the inevitable replies of "play another server" etc. That's not the point, not at all. Its about setting a precedent, if we tolerate these kinds of admins and fail to address their "I can do what" behavior then its going to send a clear message to the rest of the server hosts, to essentially "have at it" which is why we are sometimes seeing admins pop up with an attitude something like this: "We can do as we please and treat players how we want and its fine because we paid for it, so we're entitled." There needs to be some principles upheld within the community or we're going to end up with deep fragmentation amongst the player-base and chaos across the servers, each server having a wildly different take on how YOU should be playing THEIR game. I'd be willing to bet that most of these new server hosts haven't bothered to even read the guild-lines (http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1429 ) and these kind of incidents are either the result of ignorance or lack of proper inquiry, worse still, they have read the information and simply decided to ignore it. Bah I'm going to look at pictures of puppies to take my mind off the whole debacle.
  8. Ghandi

    Kinda annoying me now.

    There already is pretty severe drawback to the PvP' date=' having to mop up all the survivor tears in threads like this. Please try to not refer to the zombies as "mobs", your not in Azeroth anymore Dorothy. :)
  9. Ghandi

    Sniper Wars - the Lulz

    Is this what your looking for?
  10. Thread moved here http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=24865 I'm putting it forward more as a discussion topic for the community than an actual report since its not clear in the server guidelines if this is acceptable behavior or not.
  11. Ghandi

    [Video] Named and shamed

    Clearly Jacob didn't read the system requirements, Day Z requires balls.
  12. Ghandi

    [VIDEO] Sibling Survival

    ApeToe that picture is uncalled for, it's just mean. To the OP I think its cool he can enjoy a game with his sibling! :) I personally never got on well with my sister growing up lol, couldnt imagine gaming with her, so kudos to both of you! :D Welcome to Day Z! P.S You mentioned wanting to use the axe as a melee weapon, that was added in recently, both the axe and crowbar can be used in melee! Just right click the axe on your toolbelt to equip it as a weapon.