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Everything posted by Mayeroflove

  1. Mayeroflove

    Stream Sniping

    So what is the word on it? I've streamed and had it done to me and I don't see it as a big deal. I stream and 90% of the time someone is going to kill me from watching, big fucking deal. I hear people bitch about it when I watch stream and they die to either a random or an actual SS and swear up and down "Oh em gee, I'm going to get Rocket to ban you". What's the word on it? Bannable or not?
  2. It's one thing to be new, spawn in the debug forest not knowing exactly whats going on but to travel there knowing exactly what you're going to do and doing it more than once. That's a fucking permaban.
  3. Apparently if you're Bashur or this fuck. You can do things that are not allowed and get away with it. Sound's fucked to me.
  4. Yeah this guy openly exploited, knowing exactly what he was doing. He needs to get the fuck out.
  5. Mayeroflove

    Stream Sniping

  6. Mayeroflove

    Passworded Server?

    I'm not a care bear because I don't think Bashur should be able to bend the rules. You should apparently look up what care bear means before you use it.
  7. Mayeroflove

    Passworded Server?

    Guess I need to get my own server. Lock and password it and just stream. Rules don't apply then, eh?
  8. Yeah. Bashurverse has been locked and passworded for a good couple hours. That needs to be changed. He is not a special snowflake.
  9. Mayeroflove

    roll back to 1.5.6

    Quit crying and adapt. More Zombies equals more thinking ahead and playing smart.