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RaaR (DayZ)

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About RaaR (DayZ)

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  1. Havn't found one in over 3 weeks if anything the hackers are causing an influx of endgame weapons
  2. Been running what i think is east now for 20 mins, how long does it take?
  3. RaaR (DayZ)

    M136 question.

    you can reload the m136 you need rockets
  4. What you're upset you can't network enough to find a group of people to play with? You sound pretty upset.
  5. Really why? whats the point? Lets say everyone co-operates, work together, lean left and right at each other or some other crap you hope to do. Then what, whats the point? Restoring society? Running around and getting loot? Getting fully geared takes what half a day max? There is no end game in place yet. There is no point to group up band together and be all friendly. If Rocket did even a 1/10 of some of the suggestions you all would be bitching there is no end game. The game isn't fun without danger of players, once you get all the gear, car, etc. the game is beyond boring until you go PvP. The fun of the game is running around being a dick and seeing what happens when you run into people. If you dont find that fun and exciting then perma kill games aren't for you. Want to find a group? use these forums, go to reddit or somewhere and get a VOIP and play together. So FFS stop posting about this, that, etc needs to change to promote team work and its too much of a FPS.
  6. RaaR (DayZ)

    NVG's an GPS

    I've never found NVGs or GPS but i've found them every life on bodies or tents. You're doing it wrong
  7. I haven't seen one for a few weeks now
  8. RaaR (DayZ)

    Combat Quitting Bandits?

    If 5 seconds isn't long enough for you then they could have just run away from you
  9. RaaR (DayZ)

    How much would you pay?

    I'd pay the full 59.99 price if it was a true stand alone game Stand alone in my mind meaning its own map, hopefully with bigger cities and more enterable buildings. Im guessing it would run on what ever engine Arma 3 is built on so i heard this would be possible. More end game things, like base building, player factions. Would be cool if you could build a base then have a bunker or a lock house to hold items in it. Other players could raid them but you could hire NPC's to watch over it while you were away. They would need food/water, or some sort of payment. Clothing options etc.
  10. RaaR (DayZ)

    About Corpserunning

    I think running an hour to a body that may or may not be looted is punishment enough. I dont see it being exploitative. Reguardless in the new patch Rocket is changing body despawn to around 5 minutes. So you got your request.
  11. I tried it on a 2 servers now. Every time I die then do the normal disconnect/rejoin I log back in knocked out inside elec with my gear from hours ago? Its kind of annoying now because im deaf and low blood and really just want to die lol ___ anyone getting this?
  12. RaaR (DayZ)

    Climbing ladders

    press V at the top of the ladder