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5imon iZ Simon

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About 5imon iZ Simon

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  1. 5imon iZ Simon

    Lets border window

    Whats the point with it in zombie panic? You get cover from zombies. you dont want the zombies to walk straight in to your house. And you can have cover from bandits too. I havent said it have to make alot of noise;) and it can be usefull for survivors that wanna have like a safe zone. The its good to to make it safe.
  2. 5imon iZ Simon

    Lets border window

    Have anyone of you guys played zombie panic? Its one of my favorite zombie game just because you can cover windows and doors with everything you see. It eould be cool if they could put in something a little like this like: 1. You have to find a hammer and a saw. 2. With the hammer you attach things to the wall and with the saw you un attach them.
  3. 5imon iZ Simon

    adding graves

    You maybe rihgt there;) it would look trashy wirh graves everywhere:)
  4. 5imon iZ Simon

    Portable Food/Drink Cooler

    Not a bad idea. But so people will use this cooler as a food cooler not storing bullets n stuff its maybe best that food have to be in the cooler unless it gets rotten. Then peoples have to use the cooler well, only fill it with things it made for :)
  5. 5imon iZ Simon

    adding graves

    why dont add graves so if your friend dies in a firefight you will be able to 1. carry him out of town. (it would look bad with a grave in a town) 2. dig him down with right click and press "digg down" on the ground to dig him down. 3. a cross will appear where you digged him down. 4. peoples will be able to see who died, when he died by right click on the cross and press "examine" the loot of the pork will remain where he died but no flies will fly around and make noises wich will make it harder to find the loot.
  6. 5imon iZ Simon

    Functional power stations

    realy nice mod! better than I thought it would be:) and what I think you can use the power steering on the lamps to dominate on some areas. you can put other survivors in traps by turn off the power in the area where the survivors are and then ambush them.
  7. 5imon iZ Simon

    Functional power stations

    +1 like your idea alot :) but I also think it will be best if its hard to find these power sources. so you will have to fight for it. and that group of survivors that controls the powerstation will have like a little dominating position.
  8. 5imon iZ Simon

    Radio stations in cities

    Maybe you could have to start the radio station with a power source lije some batteries the first time someone finds it? :)
  9. 5imon iZ Simon

    What about adding coma?

    If you are down and someone have to save you but they are a little too late. Then they can still save you but you will not be fully fixed. You will be in COMA Anyway it could be like uncuscius
  10. 5imon iZ Simon

    What about adding coma?

    I dont know if this is to realistic to be fun but what about make that if you die and your friends are a little to late to fix you up they can still save you but you will be put into coma. That means that you will have to wait for a hour or something to be fully fixed up. So your friends will have to carry you around till then. Maybe this will help groups of survivurs when a friend dies a too far away so you dont have to start everything up again:)
  11. 5imon iZ Simon


    hello! jag är svensk! and I dont want to kill survivors unless they not kill me;) but anyway I wanna find a group of players who is like me... wanna play co op against zombies JUST zombies. so send me a PM if u wanna play with me and make a small group:)