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About eero.afheurlin@iki.fi

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  1. eero.afheurlin@iki.fi

    Balanced background idea

    You make your points well and I do agree that it's funny that all survivors are helicopter mechanics (cars etc you can learn to fix by trial and error (especially if we're talking about old-school engines [the modern ECU computer OTOH are a very different beast], with helicopters second chances are pretty slim...) Ditto for the blood transfusion. People spawning with more valuable and varied loot however will probably be a field day for bandits (though it isn't much of a problem, except for the newbies, but thye're the ones complaining on the forum that it's impossible to survive [and I do feel bad for them, I guess nobody told them that they *really* need to learn ArmA game mechanics first so that they can worry about learning the pecularities of DayZ [zombie aggro, where to find loot, etc] without having to sturggle with controls at the same time)
  2. eero.afheurlin@iki.fi

    My reports as of latest patch.

  3. eero.afheurlin@iki.fi

    I KNOW you're an exploiter if you disagree

    Server kicks would take effect immediately' date=' not triggering any sort of timers at all. The normal logout timer in my suggestion isn't that long, as long as you log out in a (relatively) safe place there is no problem with it. but how ? I have thought about this for a bit and I couldn't figure out any better solutions (see the thread in my sig). Funny' date=' my main problem with servers (EU area) is that they're full, or that they have nametags on (crosshair I try to avoid but might tolerate if every "proper" server with decent ping [sub 70 or so'] is full, 3dp I usually tolerate even though I never use it myself but naturally prefer to play with people who share my ideas of "correct" settings) The timer is not an automatic death, and unless you're all the time in hot zones or happen to get "unlucky" DC during a fight it's not even a very likely death.
  4. It seems to be a problem' date=' maybe less these days but I don't know, anyway that part of the timers is very,very benign compared to the "do not leave the fight" timers, and the first level that annoys clean players can be brought down even more by increasing the exponent part (say 10s->30s->90s ...) I guess if the anti-ghosting measure can be implemented quickly we'll see if the "DC epidemic" goes down or not.
  5. eero.afheurlin@iki.fi

    I KNOW you're an exploiter if you disagree

    I don't care about kill counts (in fact I play friendly), I care about people actually facing the consequences of their actions (shoot at me and I will come for you [in case you were a lousy shot, many seem to be], DCing to get away from that is just low) and so far I haven't figured out (see the suggestions forum thread but keep it civil and constructive please) any better way to solve the three problems than timers (see the post in my sig) 1. Ghosts (solvable by having a *timer* [and a long one, as in 30minutes or so] that prevents logging back in to server A if has logged in to server B in between) 2. DC to avoid consequences (not just immediate death but also starting a fight and missing the shot then not wanting to continue on a more even footing) 3. server hopping to farm loot There is a fourth slightly related problem which is people spawning in hot zones in supposedly "cleared" areas and then "unfairly" getting the drop on the players who did the clearing, I also comment on it.
  6. eero.afheurlin@iki.fi

    Petition to spawn with a weapon!

    I too think the current setup is nice for atmosphere and don't find it a problem I've started 4 times with the current gear set, once lived an hour or so (my stupid mistake with a Z) then lived a week (shot in the back), then lived ~5 minutes because of an inept bandit: I spawn in elektro (thinking: ok, this will not take long) noticed a pistol wielding man following me to a building, tried to find a weapon, nothing, so I get out, get shot but bastard doesn't hit me properly so I'm not out of the fight yet. I get behind cover and bandage myself, when he comes around I run around him a few times (here a hatchet or even crowbar would have meant one less bandit [and a pistol for me, yay!]) and then make my escape, but since I haven't yet invested any time to this char and it's already low on blood and supplies, and there's a ton of Z on my tail (can't really run away from a gunman without attracting Z) so I accept my death as Z-food. The current char is maybe two hours of actual game time, I have a decent weapon (in fact switched weapon already once, or twice if you count the fun I had with the "dinner bell" at one deer stand, but I left it there with the remaining ammo...) and am missing just a few more supplies before I'm can live of the nature again. And I'm by now means an expert player, I don't know the loot routes through the big cities by heart (in fact not at all, I avoid the cities), this char spawned in Kamenka but I did not suicide just to get near Balota (how lame is that?). But I have played Arma (though not a lot) and OFP (more) and in general have some idea of tactics (compulsory military service in my homeland)
  7. eero.afheurlin@iki.fi

    Crossbow as secondary weapon

    Some sort of iron sights would be nice, I'm faily sure I haven't seen a compound crossbow that would not have them (and I used to do archery [though with compound bow and not crossbow] pretty seriously at one point in my life) Anyway, the "on back" idea (I guess it comes from OFP originally) that ACE implements would be pretty good solution in switching between crossbow and some other primary (I also hate leaving my AK on the ground when I have some axe-murdering to do [though I guess putting down zombies does not really count as such but it sound better :)])
  8. On "the other thread" (http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=26504, warning foaming at the mouth from the get go...) someone had actually a pretty smart idea to prevent "ghosting" (defined as disconnecting, then using another server to flank and reconnecting to the original server), have a timer (he suggest 1h) during which you cannot return to the server you came from (I'm not 100% if he meant that this should happen only if you connected to another server in between, probably or it would again be "penalizing" those who just have their connection dropped from underneath them). However it does not solve disconnecting to avoid consequences and does not solve farming (there are plenty of servers to jump around in).
  9. eero.afheurlin@iki.fi

    I KNOW you're an exploiter if you disagree

    no, just.... no. The zigzaggin is something players can and will do too. Yeas they're a bit fast but that never stopped me from killing zombies with an axe without taking damage (axe because I only wanted to fight one at a time... and yes, just as often I mistime and do get hit once or maybe twice before dispatching the zombie) Glitching through walls will be fixed but is no excuse to act like lily livered coward: In my previous life I had just gotten my hands on a CZ550 and a zombie glitched to attack me trhough the wall, did I DC ? Hell no, I moved away and took care of the problem. Then a bit later when getting out of the building I was shot in the back, not dead yet (he was a lousy shot...) but vision totally blurred (I was already wounded before this) and no hope of fighting back properly, did I DC to protect my "precious" ? Again no, it would have been cowardly and dishonorable so I tried to turn around and then got the hourglass and soon after "you are dead", but it least I had my honor. My buddy tried to flank the shooter with an axe while he was looting but unfortunate timing of massive lag (very lucky for the looter) meant that he missed (and then got shot, "Very sad life, very sad ending too. At least there is symmetry") I don't get the "carebear" vs "harcode" vs whatever dynamic on this forum at all, the only group I feel "hate" for are the cowards who disconnect when things don't go the way they planned, I'm also somewhat annoyed by those that hunt fresh spawns on the coast "for the lulz" but since they're mostly avoidable and don't cause you to lose too much time even if they get you it's a minor problem (except of course for the total newbies but they *really* should get hang of the ArmA mechanics first, DayZ is a very harsh way to learn them and I definitely do not want it dumbed down: there are better ways to learn the basics)
  10. eero.afheurlin@iki.fi

    I KNOW you're an exploiter if you disagree

    Wow, that "discussion" went downhill fast, though the OP was being more than a little inflammatory. I did read all the previous posts though (unlike some posters). Now, the suggestions forum already has a thread (multiple even, but this one is [still] civil and the arguments are backed by more thant "lol ur a carebear faggot"): http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23764 Now that does not really go into the feasibility of implementing these things on server side (the client obviously cannot be trusted to police "alt-f4") simply because I have no idea how the servers actually work So I invite everyone to read that, then if you have any (well thought out) *constructive* critisism on my thoughs please share that in a civil manner, I spent some hours of thinking about the angles there, I expect everyone who comments there to spend at least 15 minutes too (just take deep breaths, calm down and start thinking about the big picture).