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About Rotfrukten

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. To all of the guys who gathered at the church/fire station in Cherno, I would like to say one thing. Thank you. You all managed to create the best DayZ experience by far that I've ever had. The fact that people still talk and help before shooting gave me the warmth and strength to keep playing this beautiful mod. Even though our little adventure came to an abrupt halt by that darned hacker in the medical tents I had a blast and I will surely play as a hero for the rest of my time. I hope more people will play as survivors/heroes as it really increases the level of excitement in the game, at least it did for me. - Pastor Dr. Martin Sempha
  2. Rotfrukten

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    Is the fort still standing? I'd like shelter from bandits. I'd be more than happy to give my life for teh fort
  3. Sup fellow survivors. Something really weird and a bit disheartening happened literally just five minutes ago. I was playing and found myself in one of the apartments in Cherno when I decided that I've had enough. Before you bash and accuse me of DC'ing, I shall inform you that this wasn't the case. I simply wanted to stop playing. However, when i pressed abort my character died as if I had pressed "Respawn". Am I the only one who has encountered this or are there more of people like me out there?
  4. Rotfrukten

    Constant 1 - 4 sec freezings

    Nope, as I stated I've shut down any unnecessary process that isn't needed to play the game (Steam, Six updater). And I still get the random freezes :/
  5. Hey guys. I just started playing this mod yesterday and I'm constantly getting 1 - 4 sec freezes in the game. ArmA 2 runs really smoothly by itself and so does DayZ, yet this problem keeps occuring. It also seems that the freezes are longer the longer i play the game. My drivers are all up to date and I've tried quitting every process that isn't needed. Does any one else have this issue, or even a solution to this annoying problem? **EDIT** I managed to solve the issue. It seems that it's the Six Updater/Launcher tool that's causing these freezes. After joining a server through the program I quickly shut the program down and it solves all of the issues I've posted. I hope this helps any one having similar issues.