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About kepper

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. kepper

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Well this ist just kind of bad being banned for no "real" reason but in the fact u where playing on an lingor server means that the dayz team wont care at all caus they do not support the private server or the lingor mod/map
  2. kepper

    I need help with my Jeep

    Just simply wait for a server restart this should fix the problem ;)
  3. Car camouflage Hey there in the last few days I thought about some features and I think I found one that would be a god one and make this mod more awesome as it is at the moment. “Car camouflage” well you might ask me what shall you do with so let me explain, first of all I hope you know how the cars looks line some of them ex. the (yellow) old Hatchback or the (red) Motorcycle are good cars/bikes as well but, the color of them is just awful and every time I am like “how the heck you should hide a yellow/red car in the forest”, therefor I thought about the car camouflage. With it you could just park cars in the forest and put the car camouflage over them and they are hidden, camouflage should have a texture like the tents and should be found at farm spots also they should have 3 different sizes for the different cars ex. small car camouflage can cover up bikes and atv’s the medium car camouflage should cover hatchback’s and cars normal sized and last but not least the large car camouflage for the really huge ones like buses and v3s civilian. I think that you can just find the small car camouflage and combine them ex. 2small camouflage to the medium and 2medium to the large camouflage, the idea of combining should suppose the rarity of the camouflage also the different sizes should weight more or less ex. small takes 1 item slot / medium takes 2 slots and the large ones 4. The usage of the camouflage should be easy as possible so I thought you just need to have it in your inventory go to the car and use the scrollbar to “put camouflage on” and “put camouflage of “ also I should mention that camouflage holds for ever so it can’t be destroyed or something like that and a car with camouflage on can’t be moved Well that’s my Idea I hope you like it as I do ;)