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Everything posted by naptha

  1. naptha

    How to transfer player data

    to quote Dwarf Fortress: "Losing is fun!" don't fear the respawn.
  2. naptha

    red x over all the server

    http://www.six-updater.net/p/download.html http://www.dayzcommander.com/
  3. naptha

    [Video] Pussy bandit (my first journey to the barracks)

    self-defense. if you can't bear to raise your gun against someone actively trying to kill you for sport or profit, just stick to crawling around with a hatchet. I am the last person to advocate killing another person in-game because "i haz teh bored", but when they start SHOOTING AT YOU, you'd better be prepared to shoot back. or hide? I guess you could try to dodge bullets and hide. fair enough. good luck with that.
  4. naptha

    Navigation function without GPS

    hmm. map waypoints are perfectly usable and real in real-life real world realness. go ahead, draw a circle on a map some time. see? fun. now the ridiculous "you are here, facing this way" marker that also appears on your [recruit] map is grade-A fantasy.
  5. naptha

    [Video] Pussy bandit (my first journey to the barracks)

    pro tip: SHOOT BACK.
  6. "seems like you got caught" and "they're crying foul" aren't exactly condemnations. I'm glad the case wasn't as prima facie as it started. Might just look up both parties in the future.
  7. naptha


    what the hell did you just say are you a roman or something it is very hard to follow what someone is saying if they are just writing a huge wall of text with no punctuation and slightly annoying too was there a question in your post how are we supposed to figure out what you are trying to say and what does it matter when you go to the bathroom that is a detail nobody really needs to know and was there beer in the fridge okay that is all I wanted to say kthxbai
  8. naptha

    Funny Video!

    that was a good vid. great editing.
  9. naptha

    Game egts 4 fps!

    dude, when I'm at the supermarket it takes me at LEAST a minute to decide which item I'm going to buy. those sales can be really confusing!
  10. I think part of the cachet this game possesses is the 'where-the-fuck-am-i' randomness of your initial beach spawn. Any attempt to control that is akin to wrangling cats. You can try...
  11. Don't, ahhh... what's the phrase I'm looking for? Oh yeah: Don't get attached to your gear. Rule #1 for a reason, after all. Welcome back to the beach!
  12. naptha

    US368, All may be well.

    they're crying foul. amusing. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/43570-us368-admin-addles-owner-of-the-server-abuse/
  13. seems like you got caught. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/43583-us368-cheaters-in-game/
  14. I like the cliff-fall-death explanation. at least you wouldn't have a senseless, senseless death like so many of us suffer. [yay, Alpha!]
  15. naptha

    US957 Sniper

    don't mean to sound like an ass, but perhaps that was a bad spot to try to sit and wait? think I might try to park behind a non-spawning building out of sight of the road if I had a choice. your circumstances may have varied, of course.
  16. send your buddy to the clinic for you. most people wait offline while they're waiting. how far do you really expect to get with a broken leg, anyway? ...there was the one time a couple of days ago that I found a chopper near gorka that had a med crate on it while I was crawling to Berezino, but that was just dog-shit good luck, not solid contingency planning. you can also ask for help on the forums, seems to work most of the time.
  17. naptha

    US957 Sniper

    hope you learned something about trigger discipline. if you're going to try to "hide" with a car while waiting for a friend, drop that gun, hatchet the zombies, and get back in the car with your gun! or better yet, just dismount from the damn vehicle and make a damn perimeter to wait for your rendezvous.
  18. naptha

    Hacker on SG #00

    integrity. sorely lacking around here...
  19. naptha

    System Rerquirement Help

    sorry Del0, but you should kill it. kill it with fire. there are tons of resources on building a budget gaming PC, and google is your friend for that. look at it this way: now you get to learn useful skills about computers that will serve you for the rest of your life!
  20. naptha

    1911 now a 4 shot kill?

    try aiming for the middle of the collarbone. drift high it's a headshot, and most other directions it's a solid torso hit, unless you're really swinging around that muzzle. works well for me, and works from just about all angles, too.
  21. yeah, its the graphics card. maybe try, oh I don't know... something below MAXIMUM settings if your card is from several years ago?
  22. naptha

    That's it....

    You people are all just a little bit sick. If you're not spotted, and they don't seem friendly, avoid them! If they're unarmed, shout away. Don't forget that you don't need line of sight to chat or VOIP. Stay hidden or behind a corner while you work out your paranoid insecurities. No need to just blast people to smithereens on sight if you're careful about how you conduct yourselves.
  23. naptha

    Hackers READ THIS!!!!

    sounds like someone got sniped.
  24. compass, clouds, shadows, and dead reckoning. rarely do I ever find a map in-game. hell, just being able to read the contour lines can help you navigate if you're using an external map. as for GPS: I've never seen one in-game.
  25. naptha

    How well will I run this?

    That video card... is about as fast as the built in video of your i7-2600 (assuming your motherboard has the video outputs). Might want to try both and see which feels better to you.