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Everything posted by Spartan114

  1. Spartan114

    Dear bandits, is this 'evil?'

    Yes. Betrayal of any kind is just wrong in my eyes.
  2. Spartan114

    DON'T LET STEAM UPDATE OA!! Game breaking!

    I'm running fine. Dunno what happened to you though.
  3. Spartan114

    good tent locations?

    If I told you, they wouldn't be good anymore. OT, try to put them in places that can only really be seen if you're right next to them. In clumps of trees, in small valleys, etc.
  4. Honestly, I've somehow now, after a month or so of playtime, developed an uncanny ability to see players from rather far away, and to hear audio cues much better.
  5. Bugs. Of course, In the early days, I died many times to Zombies and the like. But now, hell, I only die once a week at most. Got 14 murders, one bandit Kill, 300 Zombie kills and 9 days on this particular character. Just waiting for a door to roundhouse kick me in the face again.
  6. Spartan114

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    The removal of the respawn button is welcome, at least for me. I've accidentally respawned about three times now. Not fun.
  7. Spartan114

    M1911 vs PDW

    I love the 1911. As I already have a silenced M4, it's a great gun just for some backup stopping power.
  8. Got my Jayne hat on and I'm ready to go.
  9. Spartan114

    run speed over different ground

    I agree with this. I think this would be pretty awesome.
  10. Spartan114

    Thank god it finally happened...

    That's why sometimes I put all my stuff in my tent and kill myself. The start is the funnest for me.
  11. Nah, dude, happened to me once too. Lost a bunch of nice stuff. GPS, NVGs, M4A3, M107, all that jazz. Nothing much you can do about it though.
  12. My buddy calls every LMG in the game a Heavy machine gun. Grrr.
  13. Well. I suppose Acebane might have been a little mad, if what you claim is in fact true.
  14. Spartan114

    Attn: Rocket

    You arse.
  15. Spartan114

    Bandits, Survivors or Abusers.

    I don't agree with that. In my mind, a true bandit is someone who goes the extra mile to rob the player he wants stuff from, without killing them.
  16. Spartan114

    Biggest loot lost

    My biggest was; -AS50 -M4A1 CCO SD -Ghille suit -NVGs -Rangefinders -1911 -4 mags for every gun -4 water bottles and 4 cooked meat -2 morphine and 2 painkillers -All tools, including GPS -Coyote Backpack -GAZ, with multiple chopper sites loaded into it, including 2 NVG's and a MK Mod O Lost it to a hacker too, which made it all the more devastating.
  17. This is how I operate. I'm not sadistic and horrible, like in Charisma's example, but I try to be friendly if I'm not in the mood to kill, or if I have nothing to lose. I'm a bandit with morals.
  18. Spartan114

    M16A4 ACOG vs M4A3 CC0

    The M4A1 CCO Camo SD is my favorite. It's got great damage, nice accuracy, and best of all, it's silent.
  19. Spartan114

    My first kill and....

    Hardly. I got my heartbeat after just 3 murders.
  20. Spartan114

    Am I an ass hole?

    Yeah. You are. Deceiving people into trusting you and then stabbing them in the back is fucking retarded.
  21. Spartan114

    Persistent cough??

    No, this happened to me once too. Me and 2 of my buddies started coughing, so we quickly made a Campfire and sat next to it for about 15 minutes, talking. Our coughs stopped about 10 minutes in. Dunno If that's supposed to happen though.
  22. Spartan114

    My first two murders ever! Lol

    Dude, I'm a bandit, but I'd never trick someone into trusting me. I'm either hostile or friendly, nothing in-between.
  23. Spartan114

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    I'm a bandit by heart. But I have a code. I'd never shoot an unarmed player. I'd never turn on someone that I've said 'friendly' to, unless they turn on ME. I mostly pull robberies and stick ups to get the items I want. But, if someone doesn't comply, well, as a great man once said, "If someone tries to kill you, well... you try and kill 'em right back." But I have a few 'Good guy Kaz' stories. This one time, I was making a run through Balota, low on blood. I heard gunshots, and peeked out behind the second hangar to check where they were coming from. I saw a poor, defenseless player sprinting across the airfield, with a good 15 zombies on him and a fellow bandit (well, hardly) shooting at him with an M4, about 300m's from me. One, I wanted the M4. Two, the defenseless player looked like a fresh spawn, and I felt bad. So let out a burst from my AKM, and the other bandit dove to the ground, bullets whizzing past his head. I moved forward, and he sprayed his gun at me, a round hitting me square in the thigh. My legs broke instantly. I had no morphine, and 3k blood. I knew I had to get this guy, maybe he had morphine or cooked meat in his inventory. So I let out another burst, and I got him straight in the head. Bandit kills, +1. The zombies that were still after the noob dropped fairly easily, and I called out to him, saying things like "Help, friendly!" He ran over, and looked at me. He said, simply, "Thanks, but sorry, man, ain't got any meds.." "No problem, dude." I responded. I was bleeding badly, losing blood fast. Without any bandages in my belt, I knew I was done. "Take my rifle." I said. "You'll need it more than me. There's ammo and food in the pack.". He thanked me, and shouldered the AK. I turned, crawled a few feet towards the other bandits body, and dropped dead. Guy had the good will to bury my body, but not the other bandit's, after he was done getting the rest of the stuff, too. Never did see him again. And I still got that M4.
  24. Spartan114

    My first two murders ever! Lol

    I have a bandit code, shall we say, for things like this. If I don't intend to be friends, you'll know. But if I say I'm friendly, I stay friendly. No backstabbing, no stealing, nothing. That's just fucked up, honestly. Who takes ingame items over a half forged friendship?
  25. Spartan114

    What was your last legit kill

    Damn snipers looking for targets through the nametag system. Urgh. Veteran servers only, thanks.