I had a great idea on a victory condition this morning, here's how it would go. Every 7 days (randomized per server to prevent hopping), there would be an escape event. Fast movers fly overhead from the shore past the north, alerting survivors the plan is in motion, some of those fast movers, bomb the tarmacs of the airfields. Green smoke is fired at a random location on each of the tarmacs, and 30 minutes from there an npc Huey will fly in and land at the location. Now this is going to attract both zombies and people, so survivors are going to have to group up and protect the landing zone, with varying efficiency. 30 minutes should also give enough time for people spread out on the map to make it to the airfields. So the choppers come in and land, they are only on the ground for 5 minutes, at each location, and it is also first come first serve, you have to protect the chopper from zombies and bandits who are out to kill you and maybe or maybe not get on the chopper themselves. This gives clans something to spend their armaments on, drive up and let loose, (most will park farther away for recovery for the next round). Once 5 minutes is up, the choppers take off and head south, going off map off the shore. But you aren't out of the clear yet, other people can still shoot you or the chopper down while it is on route, (the choppers are far enough apart that you can't shoot down another one once in the air, but someone with another Huey could). Also the NPC pilot should be made invulnerable, just for scripting issues, you can still down the chopper, screwing everyone on it over. Not being able to pilot the chopper will make it so there isn't a huge influx of choppers on the map for people to use every week. Ok so you made it off shore, either huddled together with random people, your grinning clan mates, or bandits killed everyone and made it off map scott free, now what? This is where more developed character tracking comes in. There would be some kind of new scoreboard/leaderboard, tracking zombies killed, beans eaten, hours actually logged in, miles driven, bones broken, etc. These would be added up somehow, and points would be taken off for players killed (this wouldn't kill bandits score, they still have to do enough of the other things, but it would hurt.) Now that character is gone, not killed like a suicide, but the same effect, it will respawn you. The people who did not make the chopper, have to survive somehow another weak (this increases your score if you happen to live that long, you could theoretically wait a whole month and then escape for a huge score, but it would track hours logged in more aggressively for points, making sure someone doesn't just log off for a month and then cash in.) So this isn't a server resetting event, the map continues as normal, you don't have to participate, but you are encouraged, you can also just kill everyone that shows up and take their stuff once the choppers leave, but the zombies that are around will necessitate being more 1 or 2 people to make it to the chopper. Even if you just hopped in, they could still destroy it. TL;DR: helicopter escape scripted event, leaderboards encouraging logged in survival, some penalty for players killed but not huge so bandits can also win, not a server reset, needs more extensive stat/player tracking post Alpha.