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Everything posted by cybercam

  1. cybercam

    Quit quit quit...

    Not allowing a player to play for 15 minutes will kill the game. Why don't you search Naughty Dog's Uncharted 2's forums. That feature practically killed the game. I stopped playing right after that patch. So when a player loses connection to the server, which happens to everyone quite frequently, you'll have to sit there & wait for 15 minutes, and pray it doesn't happen to you again or you'll be waiting 30 minutes! LOL! If the devs want to take that action, they might as well not even bother! The game would die out so fast.
  2. I'm not upset nor am I whining... I just don't play... no problem. I'm content in just watching how the gameplay turns out and what ends up happening when the game finally becomes full release. I'm just hoping that when it's all said and done, the devs or someone else decides to create a "lite" version that allows for private servers (I remember reading that the devs might consider doing that). As I have a ton of bandwidth and a high-end server that I can play along with my friends, the way we want to play.
  3. This is the best thread on this entire forum! I for one have stopped playing the game as well... I had 2 choices kill everyone I came in contact with or stop playing the game. I chose the later. The P6 concept is a good idea and all, but it's still a 50% chance that another player could spot you before you spot them, which 95% of the time you will be killed like I have. I still have a chracter on the server loaded with loot and I was somewhere in the northeast section of the map, however as I've learned from my partner, that as of 1.5.8, I'll be put right back on the coast. For now I'm going to sit back & watch things unfold, my best guess from watching gamers over the years, is that this game will indeed become a pvp deathmatch with a few zombies thrown in here & there. I'm seeing less people (youtube videos) willing to take the chance on trusting others or others that glorifiy going on killing sprees! It seems very few players are willing to play the game as a true survival zombie apocalypse type of senario and are content playing the game as they've always played multiplayer games, "shoot everything in sight", it's the way they've been trained since online gaming started.
  4. cybercam

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    By the time the game gets out of Alpha, it WILL be a deathmatch/team deathmatch. I keep hearing people say trust no one. So when you meet other players, just kill him/her just to be on the safe side. Soon enough there will be no one playing the game as a "survivor" and the zombie thing will become mute. I'm just setting back & watching the show LOL!
  5. cybercam

    Are they taking away Bandits?

    After reading all the posts on this thread... The solution to the no bandit skins problem is easy... everyone should just kill everyone they see on sight, problem solved! I mean that's what it will eventually turn out to be by the time it gets out of Alpha.
  6. Thanks for the link... much appreciated!
  7. Bottomline is, the game is just Deathmatch/Team Deathmatch, with zombies & RPG elements! People should have figured that out by now. Only about 20% or less of the players play it like a zombie coop RPG and that number is dwindling rapidly. I stop playing because the zombie aspect was becoming mute, 99% percent of the time I'd get killed by other players, so there was no need to really worry about the zombies. I'll sit back and patiently wait for the "Dayz Lite" version that allows for private servers (if it ever becomes available). Right now I'm really enjoying Chernarus Apocalypse with friends, the tension in that game is incredible!
  8. Ok I just watched a playthrough video on youtube... headshots is the name of the game :sleepy:!
  9. I'm getting sick of all the player killing in Dayz, this just might be the mod for me! Hold on did you say spawn as a dog? Edit: In regards to the prologue introductory mission. Anyone have any tips at getting to the broadcast station? I've tried it about 10 times now, and boy it's tough, those zombies have esp even when trying to sneak pass them. They just will not drop after pumping several shottie shells in them. I might as well be throwing a roll of toilet paper at them :s! by the time I get to the station, it looks like the locomotion train dance at a 70's disco, just a line of zombies behind me :huh:.
  10. cybercam

    When to trust people

    So now people will not know who the player killers are? That's a great move...*sigh*, now player killing will increase ten fold. Friendly bandit? LOL... that's good one.
  11. cybercam

    The Bandit Hunters

    Wow! Today was the the first time I killed someone (a bandit of course) after playing the game for about a month. My friend and I just spawn in a forest area, we were lying the prone just talking (on TS3) before getting into the game, all of a sudden he walked right by us, I got up, saw he was a bandit and BAM, shotgun right in the back. He didn't even know we were there. He had a lot of good loot too. Normally I would have just let him walk by and go my own way, however after being killed by bandits so many times, it feels satisfyingly good to get some payback finally!
  12. cybercam

    DayZ and Basic Human Nature

    It's funny when people say it's only a game and I would never act like that in the real. I see the argressiveness that plagues this game in everyday people. If you live in a big city, travel around at rush hour and you will see it. Granted it's pretty mild now, but it's there. If something like an outbreak or some serious catastraphy were to ever happen, you would definitely see the full extent of how humans react in a crysis. There would be many a bandit walking the streets looking for victims to prey on. On the other hand the survivors would be few... unfortunately.
  13. I too have sent you a friends request!
  14. cybercam

    The last one is for myself

    Those are actually some pretty good ideas.
  15. cybercam

    Bandit? Spawn without a weapon!

    The term is relative. You should take your own advice & go back to playing ArmA II, there you will not have to worry about zombies and have all the human players to kill, that you desire. Oh btw.... if someone were to see that video for the first time, and knew nothing about DayZ, what impression would you think they'd get... they wouldn't even know it was a zombie survival game!
  16. cybercam

    Bandit? Spawn without a weapon!

    I don't??? All I was saying is, I'd rather die by any means other than, some random player shooting everyone his sees and not exploring the map for him/her self... I've noticed that most of the moronic bandits just hang around a particular spot (be it a town or the real pvp hotspot the airport), waiting for other players. They have no desire to explore the world looking for supplies. Just yesterday I bumped into a guy... we didn't shoot each other but stood for a sec sizing each other up... then he asked me for some ammo, so I was in the process of giving him some, when POW, some idiot up on the hill in the trees sniped the poor guy in the head... well I high-taled it into cover & disconnected. I didn't have the first clue where the dude was, but I was pissed that, here I was tryin to help a brother out and some lazy ***** lying on a hill, took him out. If he would have just come down & ask for supplies, I would have gladly gave him what he needed.
  17. cybercam

    Bandit? Spawn without a weapon!

    Well after spending hours creeping a crawling around selectively shooting zombies and helping other decent players out with supplies, I wouldn't give those lazy ******** the satisfaction of stealing my stuff, I'd rather give my gear to someone that needs it and jump off a building, than to die by the hands of a selfish *****.
  18. cybercam

    Bandit? Spawn without a weapon!

    Ya ok and having some moron lying on a hill or on the roof of the Air Control Tower sniping everyone that happens by, is not an exploit.... PLEEEEASE... gimme a break. Here is an example of exploit my friend.
  19. cybercam

    Bandit? Spawn without a weapon!

    With the way the game is going, the developer should just remove the zombies and add more players to the servers. Then rename it "Free4All Day" LOL! I found a way to out smart the bandits... once I'm getting shot at, I disconnect from the server (very quickly) and reconnect to another server... I heal myself & move out of the danger zone! I've done it about 6-8 times now and it works. Just make sure you're always moving so you won't get a headshot on you! There are loopholes for everything in this world! P.S. One thing the developers should do is to put in the chat status how (who or what kill him/her) a player dies example: "PlayerX was killed by PlayerY" or "PlayerX was killed by zombies"... that way everyone on the server knows that PlayerY is bandit.
  20. cybercam

    Are people more hostile, or friendly?

    Your friends are totally RIGHT! I'm going through my 5th character & I only died from zombies once! People for the most part are evil, especially when it comes to gaming. I thought like you in the beginning... I figured this game would be a great way to get people together to work as a team against the zombies. However, when they do work as a team, it's more to hunt & kill other players and not help others. I have nor will I ever out right gun someone down for no reason. I use ask other if they need help, but not anymore, I just avoid them all together. It's a shame really, for a "zombie horror" game... the horror is not with the zombies but with the human players! The one down fall in this game is that players that kill other players get rewarded. Meanwhile the ones just trying to get along get the short end of the stick. They should have players that get killed by other players, respawn their next character with a primary and the ones that kill others (when they finally die) respawn their next character with a weapon at all. That would change the whole dynamic of the game and get players to work together against the zombies & the bandits! There is actually more teamwork in the online of ArmA2 (OA,CO,BAF,PMC), I've had some really good team oriented sessions with people I don't even know on those games. I fine myself alone & looking out for numero uno in DayZ however. If a real zombie apocolypse ever happen, it would be the end of humanity for sure!