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Everything posted by hobomoe

  1. hobomoe

    DayZ System Requirements

    My 660 can run everything max easily.
  2. hobomoe

    Rules of Engagment

    Rule #1: Kill everyone no matter how geared they are.
  3. hobomoe

    How well geared are you?

  4. Good to see people not being giant wankers.
  5. hobomoe

    What gear do you rock?

    Why on earth do you format your text like that? You look like an attention seeking little twat.
  6. hobomoe

    Dead after 20 days

    Wouldn't be surprised if it was a hacker. Been on 2 servers today which got nuked.
  7. hobomoe

    What gear do you rock?

    Ghillie can delete your pack on equip.
  8. hobomoe

    What gear do you rock?

    Well just lost all my shit again, I love falling from the sky with 10 others :P Time to loot tents again :D
  9. hobomoe

    valkyrie clan

  10. hobomoe

    US 360 Admins tents.

    Not anymore
  11. hobomoe

    What gear do you rock?

    ded :P
  12. hobomoe

    Take out .50 cals

    You sound mad.
  13. hobomoe

    Take out .50 cals

    OP is mad that he got sniped.
  14. hobomoe

    Trading ghillie suit + extra for SVD CAMO

    Might consider trading since my friend needs a ghillie and I have an SVD which just sits in my pack collecting dust. I'll PM you later if I'm still interested.
  15. I'm impressed man, teach me your ways :P
  16. South west corner of the island, loot to your heart's content. At least 6 SVDs there, some AS50s and at least one of each other rare gun.
  17. hobomoe

    US20 Skalisty Island

    Lol I wasn't even on the island guys, you were just fighting others, never me.
  18. hobomoe

    US20 Skalisty Island

    Found 6 still there hidden on the shore, took em all :D Definitely duped items considering the 7 SVDs that were there.
  19. hobomoe

    US20 Skalisty Island

    Heh, US20 is a CQF server.
  20. hobomoe

    US20 Skalisty Island

    Eh, your loss.
  21. I assume that the camp on Skalisty Island on US20 is yours?
  22. hobomoe

    AS50 TWS loot?

    This post gave me cancer :( PS. You're an idiot.