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Dariun (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Dariun (DayZ)

  1. Hi all Just had a random thought...what if DayZ incorporated building and construction of some sort? At the moment DayZ is basically spawn in, find a gun and food and water and meet people....get shot. From what I've seen in game there isn't much grouping or banding together at all. To date I've met less than a handful of friendlies and seen a few pairs of people who were working together. If you could build and construct your own shelters eventually people would band together more often to build small settlements or temporary shelters. Possible pro's of this could be: founding a new settlement/village/base where people could come to trade beans for bandages etc, or perhaps even groups of bandits could band together to take over etc. the possibility of introducing more kinds of Z's? capable of bashing down said structures? allows the Z cap to be increased to allow them to roam areas outside of towns and villages? roadsides, grassland etc. Sometimes I run to a town and don't see a single Z for miles then as soon as I hit a town they are all spawned within the town perimeter. may allow for greater roleplay or npc tradeposts/sanctuaries - I read about a guy walking around basically being a doctor, a group could build a base, leave the doc there and return with hospital supplies for the doc to use whenever a friendly arrives at the base. Or if it is an npc, similar in that the npc doc is supplied by players looting and gifting medical supplies to him and then mousewheeling to activate a treatment of some sort (for a trade perhaps? get bandaged for a tin of beans?) Possible cons: spawn campers/killers. gonna happen and already does happen at most valuable loot spawns where people log out and then back in to collect loot and kill anyone else that's there. odds are people will find and break into the constructed base and loot things left there or wait for people to spawn in and shoot them. may shift gameplay even further toward PVP than it is already Just a few ideas really :)
  2. Dariun (DayZ)

    DayZ + Gary's Mod = best game ever???

    thank you!
  3. Dariun (DayZ)

    DayZ + Gary's Mod = best game ever???

    Maybe I should google more rather than type my thoughts onto a new post :blush: anyone got a link to it? curios as to how it would be implemented and whats its function would/could be :)
  4. Dariun (DayZ)

    Amazing idea to stop player killers. Thank me later!

    Scars? Blood on hands? REALLY?! If you happen to find yourself in a bandit/asshats crosshairs you aren't gonna be close enough to see scars or blood on their hands!! Odds are you'll be dead before you even know someones watching you! Vast majority, if not all, bandits will not risk trying "the long con" by befriending you and then killing you after helping you get loot. They will kill you as soon as they see you, from distance. So the whole developing scars and blood on hands is useless. EDIT: OP, not a bad idea, but as people have already said what happens if you kill in self defence.
  5. Hi all Just wondering if massive server issues are occuring for everyone and not just me? >_<" Few nights ago I could barely log into servers with the creating and loading screens freezing for long periods of time and the 1 time I got through I spawned as a bird....Rocket, please please please give the birds wing mounted guns and make some AI zombie birds so we can have "bird fights" even if we can't get into the actual DayZ game. That would reduce a lot of rage and make our purchase of Arma worthwhile. Now, I still get ridiculous amounts of server issues with creating and loading screens but have also managed to load in to the empty plains each time I have spawned in. I presume that, like myself, a lot of current DayZ players bought Arma to play DayZ and obviously with the sever server problems are not able to actually play it :( I see a lot of locked/private servers. I'm sure I read somewhere that these private servers are supposedly not allowed yet I see more and more each time I browse the server list. Is there a way of hosting an offline/online DayZ server for singleplayer? Would be nice to play the game just surviving against zombies with spawn/lag/server issues and general idiots who shoot anything that moves. How long does it normally take to iron out update issues? Thanks!
  6. Dariun (DayZ)

    Zombie aggro behavior when shooting?

    I've found that they "know" i'm in the building and even if i sneak out via the backdoor they know as well and will follow. sometimes if escaping out the other door the zombies who haven't yet made it to the building also "know" i've exited even without line of sight and lock on to me. safest bet is to shoot and move when you can. if you don't attract zombies you'll definitely attract players who will most likely kill you for the hell of it.
  7. Dariun (DayZ)

    Zombies Stopping Bandits

    Odds are the bitching about Zombies are from players who 1) aren't bandits, 2) get constantly killed by bandits thus respawning as a "noob". Bandits tend to camp in places zombies can't easily get to and/or have decent enough gear to survive the odd zombie
  8. For that quote referring to Discworld and Ankh-Morpork, you sir are todays Epic Win! Edit: although, looking back at my first post I see why it may sound suicidal lol. I did not know he was a bandit, obviously bandit skins are no longer in the game so as far as I was concerned he was just another player who managed to get good loot.
  9. to OP, because people: 1) Are borderline psychotic murders but are too afraid to do it IRL....for now. 2) Because they think DayZ is actually deathmatch COD 3) Because they are just cockheads like DemonGroover rightly stated. The other day I met a bandit with high tier gear and tried to talk to him several times while in cover. No response. Eventually I decided to let myself be seen and stood on an apartment balcony while he was on the road infront of the building. I was holding a crowbar. I said hi again. He shot me in the head without saying anything. In hindsight I probably should have crept up on him and brainded him with my crowbar, but some people are just dicks for no reason. That's what really annoys me about this game. It could be great if people stopped killing other players just for the f*** of it and actually banded together or just be friendly. Like a lot of people I'm tired of making it to a place where I may be able to actually get a weapon only for some tard to spawn/walk in on me and kill me for no reason while they can clearly see I'm holding a flashlight.
  10. Dariun (DayZ)

    I'm not a bandit, I just love the hunt.

    Looking forward to seeing you on "America's Most Wanted!". Bandits kill people to rob their stuff. You kill to have FUN and rob their stuff. You are way below bandit status. You should get tested for neurological disorders before you end up trying this out IRL.
  11. Haven't seen any dogs yet.... Z's aggro radius seems to have increase massively!! I get sprinting Z's from over 100 metres away and they can somehow "see" me through buildings from previously mentioned distance! It's f****** ridiculous! I know it's early days but for an update that was supposed to improve performance etc the vast majority of updated servers just don't work :( Constant loading and character creating screens. I did get through one time but ended up spawning as a bird in a field of birds....and from what I read it was supposed to be some sort of anti piracy thing? Well done. I bought my copy from Steam. If that anti piracy thing is true could that affect log in issues? I appear to get "hit" doing random things. Vaulting over fences my screen whites out for a moment as if I've been hit. I've even broken a leg climbing over wire fencing! Zombies seem to break my legs or KO me very easily, even at full blood.
  12. Dariun (DayZ)

    Invisible to friend but not to others????

    having same issues as well!!! In same server, with same people can see each other in the lobby list. We are in the same building but can not see each other AND the loot we see in rooms is completely different. We've tried this on different servers and still the same issue. What gives? Kinda beats the whole reason of us logging in together. Also, my friend saw another guy in the same room and I logged in shortly after, can't say whether the other guy was inisible to me or not as he may have exited the building, im not sure :-S