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About Hoplite17

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  1. Hoplite17

    Been literally humiliated.

    lmao! I dislike people who shoot on sight, but I think this was awesome. He put his own spin on killing people. The guy has style, you can't hate him for that. If everyone who killed on sight did something like this, I wouldn't be complaining XD
  2. Hoplite17

    NPC Shop

    Breaks immersion, not realistic, and not that big of a game changer. People would find it and camp it, most new players won't have meat/items to trade, and I think it might be too much to try and implement for such a small feature. (lol at killing floor reference^ :D)
  3. Hoplite17

    "____ was killed"

    I rather stick to the server I've currently been playing on for quite a while now, but thanks for the well thought out suggestion. And if the devs plan on implementing one character per server like some people have been wanting, I prefer if this became something on all servers, since most people seem to like this idea.
  4. Hoplite17

    "____ was killed"

    Take that out too. Or just implement this just to make it a little bit harder for people to know if they did get the kill. And it doesn't matter in reference to the scenario I said about a survivor hearing the shooting and not knowing if someone got a player kill or not.
  5. Hoplite17


    Go hunting and eat meat :P Or find another group on the forums. Tons of people looking for a partner.
  6. Hoplite17

    "____ was killed"

    Hrm, seems very few servers actual have this option on then. Just a consideration then, for any server admins reading or the devs if they plan on making their own designated servers for dayz.
  7. Hoplite17

    "____ was killed"

    True, haven't thought of that. Maybe when they fix people d/cing they can think about implementing this? Like when(if) they decide to make it so it take x amount of time to actually leave the server when you disconnect, have it still say "____ has disconnected" so the person d/cing still dies without the other person thinking he's still alive? Of course, you might not know the name of the person you're shooting, but it might help out.
  8. Hoplite17

    "____ was killed"

    I might put something like this in the suggestion section, but I don't know exactly how I feel about it and want to know how everyone else feels about it first. If it's possible, maybe getting rid of the "____ was killed" that appears every time someone dies? You might be thinking "Well, what's the point of that?" Well, here's a couple of pros I thought up of. Pro: For survivors, bandits who shoot/snipe at you might not know whether they've killed you or not, so you might be able to escape/surprise attack them back (some bandits might also enjoy this new challenge). Also, vice versa when a bandit is attacking someone but it goes wrong and turns into a firefight, the person you're fighting might not know whether or not you're dead either. And another pro for the bandit is when you're shooting someone in a town, and someone else hears it, that person might not know they are around a bandit since they will not hear a shot and see "Hoplite17 was killed" and associate the two, instead they might assume it's merely another survivor who's in a tight situation and is shooting zombies. And all in all, it adds a little bit more realism, I believe. Tell me what you guys think, and if you guys support it, I'll make a post in the suggestion thread :D (but if any mods feel like this should be in the suggestion thread anyways, feel free to move it).
  9. With less loot and more zombies that the op is suggesting, the repercussions to killing someone is you'll be entering into a firefight with chances of being injured(and possible either not having medical supplies due to less loot or using your last bandage, morphine, etc.), giving away your position if zombies around (more zombies, even in forest according to op), and might be wasting ammo to get little to no good loot off the guy.
  10. Hoplite17

    Well, that was awkward....

    ^^ I threw a smoke grenade accidentally inside a building once. Left a big hole in the building and tons of zombies running my way xD
  11. Hoplite17

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    Make it so you can't place them in towns. Go build a camp with them in the middle of the forest. Don't make it so someone can barricade a building and camp ever-respawning loot. Or make it so when someone barricades all the entrances to a building, loot cannot spawn in that building anymore until the barricades go down. I think these are two workable solutions. I see no other reason why a person would barricade an entire building unless they are camping at some loot or server jumping.
  12. If everyone had everything they needed, people would still shoot on sight. The op isn't trying to keep people from pvping, just trying to stop shooting on sight for no reason and some cooperation. Making resources scarce will stop people killing just for lolz and will encourage trading and keep people from wasting ammo to shoot every single person they come by. Also, the other half of the op's post is about adding in game mechanics to have people cooperate, which will very well encourage cooperation. The op isn't trying to "solve" pvp, isn't stopping people from being lone wolfs, and isn't forcing people to cooperate.
  13. Hoplite17

    How to develop trust?

    Roll around on the ground :D
  14. People die in zombie movies when they go to safe zones to keep the movie interesting >.> Movies definitely aren't used to base reality on. And you can't think you're the only smart person in the whole entire game. There's other people who can think. You just met a bunch of new players or something. Humans are social animals, it's wired into them (this is psych/sociology 101). Humans would group and work together if a zombie apocalypse happened. What needs to happen is exactly what the op said, limited the tool-belt, limited amount of items in inventory, and limit the amount of resources. This way people will need to work together. Only have room for a knife and an axe? Better team up with the guy with matches. Not enough room for medical supplies? Better team up with someone who can carry around medical supplies. In real life, people will team up and work with what their are good at (medicine, farming, scouting, etc). Because I believe (and I'm sure others do to) some sort of skill tree should not be implemented, the only way to add this realism element is make people not be able to carry everything they need. As it is right now, the fact I can carry a primary weapon, secondary weapon, tons of ammo, tons of tools, tons of medical supplies, and tons of food/water is ridiculous. I'm kinda starting to think that limiting resources might not be even needed, if we simply limit inventory space. You can still lone wolf it up though. Need some medical supplies? Go into town and find someone to trade with. No need to group up, just some good ol' fashion bartering.