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Everything posted by DannyCz20

  1. I've been playing DayZ for couple of days and I'm currently looking for a group or perhaps a clan to join because I wanna try something new(been playing lone wolf style only so far). I'm mature 16 years old with teamspeak.
  2. DannyCz20

    My First Day in DayZ

    I don't really try to interact with other survivors unless I know who that is. From my earlier experience: helping someone=bullet in my back. Also it happens to me pretty often that I manage to get myself some really decent gear and when i see someone I'm simply so scared of losing my hard earned gear that I just mindlessly pull the trigger and shoot anyone even if he's got only a flashlight in his hand.
  3. DannyCz20

    What gun did you find the first time?

    I found my first gun in church and it was enfield. 20 seconds later i shot some bastard with it and he had doublebarrel and g17.
  4. DannyCz20

    Help i got a lots of problem

    There was actually a recent forum changeover and lots of links are dead for now. Hopefully they will fix that. Yes the binding in Arma 2 was always kinda weird atleast for me. Just keep trying eventually it will work.. probably.. You have to first find yourself a map then you can use it. You should see your axe if it's off your toolbelt and you can actually attack with it. Probably just a bug. Try to reequip it.
  5. DannyCz20

    Help: Killing Zeds with the Axe

    Well when you're sneaking to a zed from behind it notices you before you're actually able to strike. But it doesn't like immediately hit you or run towards you but it actually turns around to face you and that takes some time and that's good time to strike. Also sometimes when it turns around it doesn't run towards you but it tries to actually circle you and attack you from behind sou you can get lucky and hit it first while it's doing that. Also the axe is buggy and simply sometimes it hits sometimes it doesn't.
  6. DannyCz20

    A few questions

    Well when you die you simply have to abort then go back to the server lobby and then you can connect again.
  7. DannyCz20

    How do I kill Temperature?

    I knew that having low temperature will give me cold but i actually though that having high temperature in DayZ isn't necessarily a bad thing.
  8. DannyCz20

    How do I kill Temperature?

    Is that actually a bad thing to have high temperature in DayZ?? What happens to you if you do have high temperature??
  9. DannyCz20

    DayZ Team

    I'm 16 and from Czech Republic with mic and skype etc. so if anyone want to just add me on skype : dannycz20
  10. DannyCz20

    Trust noone

    Not sure what to say about this topic. Just Welcome to DayZ.
  11. DannyCz20

    whats the point?

    Well earlier you would get a bandit skin for killing certain amount of players so everyone would know what kind of bitch you are. Right now I'm not really sure if there are any negative effects for being a no reason player killer.
  12. DannyCz20

    whats the point?

    The point is to learn from your mistakes and next time survive for longer time.
  13. DannyCz20

    looking for friend(s)

    I'm 16 from Czech Republic so if you want to just add me on skype : dannycz20
  14. DannyCz20

    Looking for player(s)| mic-only [Europe]

    Hey I'm 16 from Czech Republic and I have mic so if you wanna just add me on skype : dannycz20