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About Jakkar

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Jakkar

    Jack searches for Tim

    I think this is how bandits are born. The sense of loss in my gut is robbing me of all conscience. I will check every body until one of them has his beautiful eyes.
  2. Jakkar

    Jack searches for Tim

    *mental collapse*
  3. Jakkar

    Jack searches for Tim

    May I have a shoulder to cry on? He still hasn't called back.
  4. Jakkar

    Jack searches for Tim

    It's so romantic already. So bittersweet. Figured it was worth posting though =)
  5. ... Not a dating site, I know, but I met a rather useful and friendly survivor in a coastal town, name at the time 'Tim (2)'. If you know him, guide him here - he was suddenly disconnected and I couldn't stick around for long to wait for him to return. I was 'Jack'. Server was UK5, I think but cannot be sure.