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About Goose_6

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    On the Coast
  1. I had a pretty crazy day yesterday in DayZ with my friend Nate and we found 3 buses, a car, and a helicopter! There was stuff before what's in the video that happened; Nate brought a bus back to where we found the car (the only working bus) and I went on top of a large hill to search out the place and there happened to be two players up there, looking at the bus. I had an M14 AIM I got from a helicopter crash and sniped them both, coming out with a little above 7K blood. Then we decided to GTFO with the only working bus and then we were getting sniped at from somebody in a town where we didn't know where to go, and the video will pick up from there and I cut together the good parts. Hope you folks enjoy this sort of stuff! (Server reset and we no longer have the helicopter, laaaaaaame)
  2. Goose_6

    Troll face easter egg!

    Haha sorry I don't remember where this was at I just needed to stop and eat some beans and the closest road outside of a town was here, and I'm also very new to the map but I think it was NE of the Calamar airstrip.
  3. Goose_6

    Troll face easter egg!

    I was playing on Lingor Island with a friend and we had a helicopter (video being rendered as we speak) and I needed to stop on a road to eat, and I happened to stumble upon this: I thought it was pretty hilarious that the map creator decided to do something like this. Props! P.S. If you don't know what Lingor Island is, it's a second map to play DayZ on (downloadable through DayZ commander) and it's a smaller map with a lot of military grade spawns and loot. Very fun and different pace that normal Chernarus DayZ is, and players get banned for hacking, so there's basically no hackers! If you're fed up with hackers like I am, I suggest trying this out.
  4. Goose_6

    I have two characters?

    Ok I just looked and the server I was playing on with a friend last night was on an official one, and any other server I joined I was using my character on Skalisty island. Very strange, right now my other character is at the NW Airfield
  5. Goose_6

    I have two characters?

    Thanks for the replies guys, I'm not 100% sure how to check if the server I'm in is connected to the hive or not, I'm using DayZ Commander.
  6. Hey guys I just recently got into DayZ again, part of the reason I stopped is because all of my friends were busy getting ready for school and I just started back up and I joined a server and I was still on Skalisty Island (that was our home base). I realized we didn't have a boat anymore so I was shipwrecked. The next day I joined a server and I all of a sudden spawned in Komarovo on a new character. I thought sweet I'm off the island! But now, half the time I'll join a server I'll be either on the island with my character still, or be on the newer character that spawned back on mainland. Has anybody had this problem where they had two characters in a situation like this? I've never had multiple copies of Arma II on my PC, nor have I had multiple users or any hacks for any game including Arma II. I cannot figure out why this is, maybe I just need to kill my character on Skalisty Island to reset it?
  7. Goose_6

    DayZ Memes

  8. Goose_6

    Running and Resting

    This is my first post and I have a suggestion about running constantly for long periods of time and needed rest. Running When you are running from say Cherno to Berezino through the woods without stopping much to loot or get water/food, I think your character should start to get tired and run slower or forced to a crouch walk. Imagine a character with an M16, a pistol, a bunch of gear and a full backpack, running for 5+ Km straight with all that gear, he's got to get tired. Now I'm not saying an encumberment system needs to be added like that in some RPGs, but I think there should be a sprinting limit and it should recharge over time OR Resting There should be an option to rest. You can do this hitting a certain key and your character will sit down and it recharges your stamina quicker and you can use your gear still, drop items and do inventory management, but you cannot loot or use a weapon. Please leave any thoughts or comments!