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Everything posted by S13

  1. S13

    A known hack?

    Same thing happened to me and another player North of Dolina watching another survivor, a few minutes later player wearing camo skin, helmet, zed face carrying hatchet spawns near us and attacks took two bursts of MK48 to kill him. He had hard to locate items i.e. Range finder, NVG, GPS, etc. 10 minutes later at a safer location a crow appears and circles our general area. After leaving our hide location same or another player in camo skin, no helmet, zed face and hatchet spawns in front of me and can't be killed. Shot him with full mag of MK48 (at least I died shooting lol) and team mate's gunfire failed to drop him as well. Same server US41 Seattle 12 at approx 12:30 (PDT)