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Posts posted by Pakapalmok

  1. I solved the problem

    ... At least in my case and it brings new problems of course.

    For anyone who might search for this.

    BattlEye Problem "BattlEye not responding" after joining a server can be

    caused by a software firewall. Comodo firewall in my case.

    (Even if arma2oa.exe gets full clearance)

    ... Now i ll have to get zone alarm up again, before all the dump little applications

    on my computer start realizing that they suddenly have access... -.-

  2. The softwarefirewall can always be the problem in such cases. Im working on

    that right now, too...

    But apart from that: Have to tried pinging google or some other server

    with ~8 bytes? Just use cmd for that. (command: ping google.com -l 8)

    ... If you get timeouts, then your router or modem could be the problem.

    I read from someone (but i have absolutly no good reference for it), that

    BE needs to send or receive small packages of this size, so if they get blocked,

    BE wont be able to work.

  3. Sure... During the last weekend i have reinstalled ArmaFree/OA multible times.

    Believe me, i have worked through any advice or instruction that google

    can find. I am pretty sure that my connection is the problem, but then

    again, why did it work yesterday? That absolutly doesnt fit in.

    However, i will definitly reinstall everything today... (again...)

  4. Ahoy

    Sorry for bumping this, but i still hope to get some answers...

    Is noone of you running a software firewall?

    I know, mafokk has a good point but as you can see from my initial post, it

    must be some kind of local problem. To confirm this i will connect via

    UMTS Stick and see if battleye keeps complaining... as soon as i get home... -.-

    Thx, Paka

  5. Ahoy

    My Problem in short: I can not play on servers with battleye enabled, cause

    they keep kicking me. Reason: BattlEye not responding

    I have posted about this a few days ago and until yersterday i was sure that the issue

    was caused by this multiplexing method which blocks small packages. (which definitly

    is the case and i cant change it)

    Well... Yesterday i installed the SIX launcher just because... why the hell not. It updated

    something and then it worked! I was able to play on two different servers for over an hour

    without getting kicked. However, this morning when i tried again, i get kicked again from

    every server with battleye enabled cause battleye is not responding. I did not change a

    damn thing!

    Right now, BattlEye starts looking a lot more scary than the zombies... And i will definitly

    work on this the whole evening. (again..)

    So it would definitly help me if someone could provide me solid information about

    these topics:



    1. Does BattlEye definitly need to send and/or receive small packages (~ 8 Bytes)? Or has

    anyone see it work without?

    2. Do you get kicked with this message ("battleye not responding") when some of your data is

    not up to date, or different from the servers? Different beta patch versions maybe?

    OR in which cases can this message occur in general?

    3. Does battleye use other executables apart from the arma2oa.exe? svchost.exe for example?

    (my firewall would block these...)

    4. I run Dayz with OA and ArmaFree. Could that cause BattlEye to hang up or something?

    5. Is anyone of you using a firewall like zone alarm or comodo without battleye problems?


    I appreciate all the help i can get! If you have a hint, plz let me know!

    greets Paka

  6. Ahoy

    In other forums it is said that sometimes you will have to update your routers

    firmware in order to get access to that multiplexing option.

    Another question:

    After endless experimentation today i only have a few last things to cross out

    before i will have to give up... :(

    Did anyone of you who runs zone alarm or comodo firewall ever experience

    this issue? Or does anyone of you run comodo and it definitly works with


    Plz let me know, i appreciate the help!!!

    greets Paka

  7. Ahoy

    I'm having this known issue which gets me kicked from every server running

    BattlEye cause i cant send small packages... To solve this i would have

    to change my multiplexing method in the router setup.

    But i live in a dormitory and dont have access to their hardware! So unfortunatly

    this is not an option.

    My question:

    Is there any way arround this? Can i somehow make my system send small

    packages in a different way so the router wont block it? I would appreciate

    any idea on how i might get it to work cause dayz looks like one of the best

    games i have seen in my life and if i cant fix this i definitly wont be able to

    play it... :(

    thx in advance,

    greets Paka
