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About Yourself

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Yourself

    where exactly is Wilderness? (lol)

    The wilderness is basically everything that is not located near any settlement. Time to find a village/town and read the name off it, then use a map to orientate yourself. Also, rRead the basic noob guides on orientation.
  2. Yourself

    Do people rather go by themselves than team up?

    To answer your question: people rather go alone than team up with strangers, but most still prefer teamplay to going solo. Me, I'm a loner when none of my friends are playing but I also prefer to team up with them everytime they are. Being able to split reponsibilities like keeping watch and looting is immensely useful.
  3. Yourself

    DayZ in a nutshell

    Kill? Or do something else entirely?
  4. Yourself

    saving loot

    When you change servers you only take with you what's inside your inventory. If you spawn around buildings and no other player is nearby, all loot and zombie spawns will be wiped and take some time to respawn. Generally though you have a chance of finding the same loot in a building where you found it before.
  5. They definetly don't go back, same as if you throw a bottle/can to lure them out of a building. They eventually despawn or fall victim to the server restart.
  6. Yourself

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    Happy Birthday, rocket and kudos for delievering new patches even today :)
  7. Yourself

    TIps for a newb?

    Idiot's Guide to Gear/Inventory!: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=785 Newbie Survivor Guide: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=58 All found in the General Discussion subforum.
  8. Yourself

    IF this was an actual game...

    - One-time purchase - although I wouldn't mind a free-to-play model, as long as it doesn't turn into pay-to-win. - As long as the studio development doesn't come at a price (i.e. 'tweaking' the basic concept of the game for more mass appeal), I don't mind. - Both community and studio servers, please. - I'd pledge instantly if this thing went on kickstarter.
  9. Yourself

    DE8 server

    Any reason the server is locked atm with 17/50 players?
  10. After playing for about three hours and just having cleaned out a village I had a pretty good stock of basic supplies that would last me a while. Then I happened across a downed heli. I knew that there were certain wrecks that would kill me if I tried to enter them, but between the blood loss and the twilight I couldn't see if the heli was green (safe) or gray (deadly). It was too tempting though, so I entered it. Yeah, it was gray. FML
  11. Yourself

    SVD Camo legit?

    Seems legit. Never found it myself, but it's also mentioned on the (unofficial) wiki: http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=SVD_CAMO EDIT: Well, that was quick.