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LOL..But a needed comment. Some are too lazy to search, or just want to let off some steam. Hope the devs don't allow any hollywood immersion breaking non sensical music/sound effects just for tension. As soon as that happens all immersion is lost and you are suddenly playing an interactive movie, which is what a lot of games have become. When that happens they might as well throw in the QTEs, button mashing events, and rip you out of the game every 5 min with a cutscene that suddenly becomes a bme and you wind up having to sit through the whole process again just to hit the button at the right time..........lame game design. Farcry, Crysis, BF SP all became a joke because of it. Even some instances in Arma they used that bad game design, which still keeps me from playing the campaign, and I stick with the CTI style mods. Just don't play 7D2D where they still only have stereo sound and a lot of annoying meaningless sound effects that will make you turn off all ambient sounds just so you can play the game.
Was hoping they'd eventually eliminate 3rd person all together. Such an unimmersive detached safe feeling view it diminishes the whole experience IMO. Wouldn't it be fun if us 1p players could see that magically floating camera and shoot it, putting them in 1p. Hey.....what a concept. On servers with both views, those that want 3p have to find the camera. If some one shoots it.....you go back to 1p. That way when you are peaking in 3p while laying down behind a pony wall that camera can be shot, taking away your advantage over the other player. I have about 4 1p only servers as favorites and those usually only have 4-12 players at a time, and they are starvation traps.
Or as the OP suggested add some concepts for those who prefer to play in 3rd person. When another player comes close enough..... all views go FP. Just making the camera tighter or restricting the 3rdP view doesn't diminish the advantage.
3rd person view is about as lame a playing style as they come. Especially in a FPS game. From any reality standpoint it should never have been introduced. Only happened in Arma due to the whiners who play with console controllers. Since the mass influx of new PC gamers coming from the consoles.........that's all they know, 3rd person with a gamepad. Makes sense, when the gamepad is designed after a RC controller used to fly your RC plane or car.... where you are in 3rd person. Being a FP player I try to only play on FP only servers. but if playing in 3rd person with a gamepad suits you, go for it. And it should be either one or the other, but not both. Those using FP on a 3P/FP server will be at a disadvantage due to the inherent cheat that is 3rd person. Seen it so many times on Youtube videos it is funny to watch, 3rd person guy hiding around a corner using his view advantage to look beyond what his character can actually see. Plus it's funny to see someone complain about hackers when they use 3rd person.
That was good info for future reference. Just loaded up the game after a long while and noticed that the axis on my little thumbstick on the CH throttle now works again, and that mouse control appears to be much better. But didn't notice if they've fixed the controller setup page. Had the same issue where it wouldn't reset..... But it appears the controls are now available to edit by hand if need be through the config file........... Which makes it so much easier if you have problems.
From what I remember it was more of an answer to that question given at one of his interviews. His answer was more of just throwing it out there in an effort trying not to exclude the console community as opposed to a real YES we are going console.
Well guess this is the end. With this announcement it is completely understandable why the PC gamers have been mislead. No communiction other than apparently lies while they were planning to do this for a while. No wonder our PC control devices no longer work with the game. Explains a lot actually. What a waste. Too bad they took the PC communities money first....
Good idea... there are always areas to look out for in any post-apocolyptic scenario. Like the Arma series the game should come with an editor. If they will not include a SP option in DayZ, the editor could be used for adding in enough components/modules to create your own SP version. One of the things the Arma editors always lacked were more types of modules. A CTI module would have been real nice. In Dayz if there was an editor, a module for contaminated zones (high population of virus carrying misquitos, rabid/infected animals, radioactivity.. etc.) would be nice. The zones would have settings for radius/size, exclusions for what is effected, and other aspects not thought of yet. Plus adding an editor always allows the possiblity for a huge increase in sales. How is Survarium coming along I wonder..... been a long while since I looked. Just looked.... ehhhh not so good. Just an idea.
Interesting read. Understanding the mentallity of the mentally ill is always a plus. "I like to know they had a ton of fear or an adrenaline rush before I get them (or they get me)." Someone to watch if they ever decide to take this mentallity beyond the game. Another reason authorities are missing out on some prime incite of the crazy people before they do harm.
Without context or a link to the context... This post is blind.
they should make single player for dayz standalone
2ugly replied to XellisX's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
LOL another thoughtless comment. Zero challange? Limited thought is more like it. MP was a after thought many moons ago. Devs didn't think they needed it. Now they've figured out how easy it is to make MP and make tons of money with little effort; not the Arma devs but most who fall under the thumb of EA, who have their standard method for SP and MP now, regardless of what Dev is doing the work, and as far as I'm concerened they both suck. The Arma devs have done it right from day one... Actually in the SP Daizy version the AI is more challanging than stupid humans. The AI bandits will see you regardless of light, obstacles, or LOS, plus they are never attacked by zeds, making it much more challanging. -
It doesn't sound like MP is the bitch... it is; hence the necesitty for SP. Don't have to worry about all the MP problems associated with this type of game. So far I dig the SP, but have not yet played it long enough to run into this problem the OP is having. Just discovered the new version last night. Only problem so far I've seen is that your AI survivor buddies you pick up at the churches do not agro or fire on zeds, or at least not very often. They do fire on bandits though. Plus the bandits have an uncanny abilty to see you anywhere regardless of visibility. MP will be the core of the game as it should be, but SP is a necessity that most will wind up putting more time into than the online version.
Another limited thought process we have here. Arma2 without a doubt is the best military sim to ever hit the market. If you are a console kiddie which I think you probably are, you don't have a clue. Arma2 by itselft offers more gameplay than Dayz ever thought of, but with limited minds, and the lack of a thought process, I guess most can't see it. You want a joke of a game buy FC3, that there is a true joke of a PC game. Hollywood ruined another. I wish Hollywood never got involved in the game process. Makes most games junk, linear, scripted and very lame. For those who love Dayz and want to experience what Arma2 has to offer, avoid the scripted SP campaign, go right to MP, start a LAN game, choose a CTI mission in Chenarus, vote for the AI commander, and have some fun all by yourself. MP is highly overrated, and SP is way underrated today. In the past MP was an afterthought, but SP has become that due to the devs thinking they have to create a dumb movie experience. I pretty much gave up on MP way back in the Quake days when hackers become the normal instead of just an occurance. MP is now only good if you're in a clan, have a locked server, and someone is always there to play with. Use to do that alot, but now wish there was better SP experiences than what is on the market today, which is all Hollywood style crap. Sometimes I wonder why they even bother to make a SP campaign when most of it is cutscences, scripted sequences where a button mashing interaction is required, but pointless. In other words GET THE GAME for the discount. You can't go wrong. Unless you don't like mil sims, or can't handle all the options that do not exist in console games. Or your PC can't handle the game. The game is not a console port and is not poorly optimized for the PC. It does have it's quirks due to all the code required for making such a grand game. Unlike so many poorly optimized for PC console ports, that have very little gameplay, very limited options, and you delete after 10 mins of play. Games like this are optimized for configuring multiple controllers, and not using a gamepad. HOTAS makes the PC sim world revolve. I'd rather burn a console controller than have to use it to play a game or sim.
All I saw was a video of guy getting his hair cut. Ahhh... one of those trick comercials that pop up during the actual video... Wonder why twitch has limited viewers.....