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About Barshak

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Barshak

    New Infection Type

    Another type that I think would be interesting would be the type that plays dead until you get close. I've seen dead ones around buildings and what not. Would freak me out to see one reach up and start pounding on me. Would also add to the fear factor, some people would unload clips on already dead zombies just in case.
  2. Is this the same for servers that appear on Six Launcher? Six launcher is showing quite a few locked servers and a good amount of very low populations servers and some with and current beta running.
  3. Barshak

    Logout on roof, death on login

    Nope, just prone on the roof.
  4. I know it's probably an Arma 2 engine issue, but it would be nice to turn off the function to auto stand from a prone position when you hit uneven terrain or impassable (in prone) areas. I've found myself standing in the middle of several zombies as I crawled prone through the area and hit small rubble or other debris. An onscreen indicator showing that I can't crawl through an area (X through a picture of a prone soldier) and locking my character in the prone position would be awesome. Thank you for an awesome game Rocket and crew!
  5. When: June 23, 4:30 gmt What happened: Logout on roof of 3 story apartment, on login I heard my character scream, bones broke followed by death. It was night on the server so I'm not sure if I fell through the building. Where: 3 story apartment in Berezino across from grocery store. What you were doing: Logging in. Version: with latest beta Server: Not sure, it was one of the Seattle servers Specs: Nothing spectacular, dual core AMD 64 X2 5600 8 Gigs of ram Nvidia GTX 460 Timeline: I had looted out the grocery store and apartment buildings and was walking around the top of the apartment to see what was around, I then logged out on the roof. Later in the day, I logged on to the server and experienced the death as described above. I wish I could have seen if the death was caused by falling but it was too dark to see what was going on.
  6. Yeah, I'm pretty sure they know that Winchester uses different ammo from shotguns so they need to keep it separate. Maybe later once they have more ammo art they'll make it look different.
  7. I found some slugs for the Winchester in a barn (no gun) and in apartments (Cherno, no gun). I like the Winchester so I was hoping to stock up before actually finding it. Haven't found it yet, but I do have three stacks of ammo. Though I do find the slugs for the double barrel way more then I do for the Winchester.
  8. Barshak


    I don't know if this relates, but I was able to heal my broken bones when I tried to enter a warehouse that uses metal sheeting as a ramp to reach the higher building level. Since I couldn't crawl up the ramp directly I got into crouch stance and was preparing to flop myself on the ramp as I usually do to enter buildings with a broken bone. Instead, my guy kept crouching all the way up the ramp and was healed. He still had a the broken bone sign, and I could stand, crouch, and go prone without reverting to broken bone status. It might relate because I was wearing a camo-suit at the time, not sure if that matters I left my civilian clothes on the ground when I changed earlier (before broken bone status). I was playing on UK1 in the south west corner of Electro.