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Everything posted by Mrsavchris

  1. Mrsavchris

    Side Chat

    To be honest they already get a ton of reactions since most hackers Teleport everyone to a location for a death match of some sort, Everyone just hops on the group chat and starts freaking out. The only difference is that it would be on side chat instead.
  2. Mrsavchris

    Heli Crash Sites

    Top RIGHT Corner. Derp
  3. Mrsavchris

    Passing out on login

    Yeah its gonna happen for a few times, it will eventually go away
  4. Mrsavchris

    Vehicle spawn locations

    Most of them need engine parts, Fuel tank parts, Tires, And Scrap metal. The amount each needs varies though.
  5. Mrsavchris

    Tent Locations

    Sorry im a noob, Which coordinate is on the top?
  6. Mrsavchris

    Car and tents gone.

    I can help you with that, Just give me the Server name And Coordinates and il gladly help:D
  7. Yeah i agree, Ever since i found out how to get the ips i dont need to use six launcher anymore! Which is great for me. Thanks :)
  8. Mrsavchris

    Dear Bandit.

    The point of this Post was....?
  9. http://arma2.swec.se/server/list
  10. Mrsavchris

    US 850 Seattle - Shutting Down

    Is it offline right now? 10pm Pst
  11. Mrsavchris

    US 850 Seattle - Shutting Down

    Yeah no biggy man, We were able to get back to it. Quick question, Has the Huey and Uaz started spawning again? I know they were added back with the latest update but i heard it takes a few days for them to spawn.
  12. Mrsavchris

    US 850 Seattle - Shutting Down

    So the last two nights have been great so far, No random Crashes whatsoever. Just the random Update that just happened didnt give us time to save our vehicle :( other then that its been great man. Thanks :D
  13. Mrsavchris

    US 850 Seattle - Shutting Down

    Yeh no problem, Will be on for atleast another 2 hours on your server so il let you know.
  14. Mrsavchris

    US 850 Seattle - Shutting Down

    Yeah we noticed it doesnt appear too often on six launcher but we now connect to it directly with the ip, But it does go down every day it seems (usually at night) For a few hours..
  15. Mrsavchris

    US 850 Seattle - Shutting Down

    Is the 4x Restart new? Because before it used to only restart at 1am, Today is the first we noticed the 4 restarts. We try to join it everyday and we can get a good hour or 2 in before it crashes for atleast 2-3 hours..
  16. Mrsavchris

    US 850 Seattle - Shutting Down

    Me and my friends made this our home server, Just sucks that it has about a 75% Down time... Is down for us again right now
  17. Well bought this game while back and just started playing, I know most the controls and how to stealth and all but i hate riding solo! If anyone wants to team up Add me on skype please :D "Chivesispro" On right now! 6Am PST!
  18. Mrsavchris

    Is My Computer Strong Enough?

    The intel Graphics chip is a big no no! I had that and i could not run the game at all! I was about 1 fps if that, I recently upgraded to the Radeon 6870! Runs like a beast now on near maxed settings with a Intel Pentium Dual core E5700 3.0ghz :3
  19. So after taking all of your Guy's advice i bought a new Graphics card, i got the Radeon Hd 6870 and just installed it just for this game and i loaded it up with six launcher and i was having great fps on max resolution and high/very high settings i was getting around 40-60ish. But still every few seconds the game would freeze for like 2 seconds the fps would drop down about 15 Frames and then right back up and this would continue the whole time i tried to play making the game unplayable. It happens about every 6-7 seconds even when messing around with my Options and not even moving, i put everything on the lowest settings and still had this problem. And incase it matters, Pentium Dual core E5700 3.0ghz i believe? Please someone help! As you can tell i really want to play this game! Im desperate.
  20. So I bought arma 2:CO yesterday just for the dayz mod and I've had every problem in the book with it, iv resolved most of them but I still have HORRIBLE lag, 1-10 fps at Max, but it's strange because when I look into less detailed areas like if I looks into the sky I get aroun 35 fps and not much lag at all. But when I look straight ahead I have horrible game And mouse lag. This isnt just online it's single player too, my computer Is an acre aspire desktop with pentium dual core 3.00ghz and 6gb ddr3 ram 1tb HD and intel G45/43 express chip for the graphics card, I'm starting to think thats the problem because from what iv researched it's very weak And even with all settings on minimum the game is unplayable. Anyone have any advice on what I can do? What my options may be? Is it my graphics card or Is there something else I can do to fix it? Please help and thanks in advance. Sorry for the errors I'm writing this on my phone.
  21. Mrsavchris

    Desperate for help with lag.

    Okay great! Thanks man. Il look into some graphic cards right away. Really wanting to play this game -.-. Also, if I find a graphics card that's affordable can I post it here to get some opinions on it and if it will be good enough?
  22. Mrsavchris

    Desperate for help with lag.

    Hmm well I figured it was the graphic card, when you say upgrade... Would upgrading my graphic card be enough to play smoothly on low to average settings? Or does the processor need upgraded aswell..? I think I may be able to swing a graphic card upgrade but not a processor. Thanks for the replies!