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About Ashbelmont

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Ashbelmont

    Suggestion: fine tune new zed behaviors

    Sounds good. With that known now, I'm in complete favor of a zombie stamina system.
  2. Ashbelmont

    Suggestion: fine tune new zed behaviors

    If that's the case and these zombies can be slowed down on pure stamina conditions, shouldn't that then mean they do in fact need nourishment?
  3. Ashbelmont

    Suggestion: fine tune new zed behaviors

    This thread is awesome. I agree with everything but the zombie stamina idea. As a supernatural primitive being that doesn't need substance to continue on, stamina shouldn't be used to describe zombies movement chooses or limitations. As for their attention span, this is what I believe will dictate how and when they'll slow down. If a zombie can barely see you in the tree lines, it should still sprint full speed in the last direction it saw "food" going towards. After this, is where they will forget what exactly they were doing though will continue on just on pure momentum. When that wears off, they are put back into stumble mode and shuffle aimlessly. I extremely want light in the dark to factor in zombie's behavior. I know the latest update said to add this but still around the DayZ world, the number one fear of flares is other players seeing you and not wondering zombies where it should be both.
  4. Ashbelmont

    Put Bandages Back On Mouse Wheel Please

    Thank you Rocket for explaining why you need the new system or rather A new system for item consumption to be implemented. Though the wheel option seems to be out the window for the sake of game performance and efficiency, I have to greatly disagree with everyone (including the mods) with the argument of realism of getting items out of a storage space from your combat vest. I am farther convinced with my stand where even within the inventory window itself, bandages are separated from the rest of the consumable items. I as a survivor knows where my sidearm ammo thus doesn't need to "search" for them. This should apply to bandages when I know I need to close an open wound. When bleeding, a survivor's instinct should be to preserve blood by banding himself. You as a player can choose not to do so as you continue to pressing "WASD" and/or shooting whatever threat is imposing itself on you. In such situations, maybe an action queue when bleeding, crouched, not moving, and not in front of a door or ladder or other player bleeding can a player bandage himself up.
  5. Ashbelmont

    Testers Laboratory

    Though I fully agree with you; I think a specific testing board will at least ease the time wasted surfing through non-sense threads along with identifying who here are the good and bad testers you speak of. None the less, Thank you for the reply.
  6. Ashbelmont

    Testers Laboratory

    With DayZ expanding, everyone is getting excited in their own ways. Greeting new updates with either love, hate, confusion, or frustration; we as a community always fall back on one statement to refocus everyone's attention. That statement being "It's still in ALPHA" but with that said, how can we use such information to better see the mod's growth? Suggestion forum? Maybe... but maybe not. As much as it does have discussions of game mechanics well suited for the ARMA II engine, there isn't a solid place for ALPHA minded players to speak full heartily how they feel about the mod as a whole and the how the changes between updates effect the world of DayZ. OH WHAT? General Discussion? Yes, that forum also has nice posts about game breaking elements but again, not a place where testing and tester discussion is the main focus. While every bandit camps around joking about bloody beans and every survivor thinks he'll be the next savior of Chernarus (both extremes, don't get your Coyote packs in a bunch), can there be a place for us testers to solely focus on DayZ as an Alpha mod and its future? A "Testers Laboratory" if you will? PS. If I'm bleeding and know that I have a bandage(s) in the small pockets of my combat vest (aka inventory), there's little reason to open up the window to select it for a single use. Bandages are stored where sidearm ammo is but we don't need to open the inventory window to reload our sidearms. Eating and drinking are suited with the new right click use system because cans and bottles are within a larger group of items but the bandages are separate thus should be allowed within the quick scroll wheel method of item consumption.
  7. Ashbelmont

    Your first time being a bandit.

    Got on with my Aus friends (we all have at least one of em) and their live free bandits who play smart most of the time. While checking our supplies, we heard makarov shot in the distance. Them being bandits, wanted to kill the guy and them knowing I've been practicing my SNIPING skills; wanted me to do it. I'm no killer, nor do I want to be. I'm on my first life still which has over 30 hours of gameplay on it with no killings other than zombies. I wasn't going to kill him but with no primary on his back and him running around like a mad man, had about 15 zeds on his tail and this was AFTER he killed a few. We all knew we was going to die from the horde so I decided to make a mercy killing. Gone prone and zeroed in at 600, I wanted for him to run at a steady pace. Once I was in the clear, I took em down with a headshot. My bandit friend enjoyed the show but I hope he has better luck in the next life.