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Everything posted by MrGuard

  1. MrGuard


    Im pretty sure people are going to start locking stuff up like apartments... Exactly like a barricade.
  2. Pretty Facking Pointless
  3. MrGuard

    Drink your own piss?

    What the title says. But make it only for emergencies like maybe every 2-3 hours in-game and make the canteen unusable after that.
  4. MrGuard

    Bigfoot Easter Egg?

    Mother Of God...
  5. The crossbow is a 1 shot hit for zed but knowing its reload time i wouldn't use it for PVP.
  6. MrGuard

    Decrease enfield damage.

    Its fine as it is sure it does a lot of damage but its loud as hell every zed in the city is going to here that Enfield go off and there gunna come runnin.
  7. MrGuard

    Eliminate ALL rifles :)

    HHHHHHHHHHAAAAAA Damn this post is funny.
  8. iv found 2 so idk bad luck i guess
  9. MrGuard

    Make czech pouch useful

    So make the czech pouch useful? Well its useful to snipers, there job done.
  10. MrGuard

    Slow Spawn?

    Is it me or is spawning really slow now? Even loading to get onto the server. Is it because of the new patch?
  11. Not sure if fighting? Or fucking around.
  12. MrGuard


    Tired of trying to spawn close to your friends so you can meet up and play with them? How about Teleportation?! You can spawn right next to your friend, but before that a message is sent to this person to confirm that it is okay to spawn next him! Stopping those pesky CoD Kiddies!
  13. Whoever said he sat in front of the monitor for 16 hours? What if he plays a few hours a day and then runs track for the rest. You are needlessly generalizing on something you have absolutely no reason to spout off about simply because he is young? Grow up man. THIS.... Anyways im interested man im not a complete ass like most people anyways add me on steam or skype? PM me for details. HAPPY HUNTING!
  14. You would figure they help you... Those "Navy Seals" are idiots basically.
  15. MrGuard

    DayZ needs to be harder.

    i think its find how it is just needs some fixing is all.
  16. I dont kno but i have a feeling that if theres a zombie apocolypse in the USA everyone else just gunna nuke us... ,u.u
  17. MrGuard

    Never mind the beans.....

    haha "if you are not over 40 then feck off." dat quote...
  18. MrGuard

    Petition to spawn with a weapon!

    Yes atleast a Makarov with 1 clip! or a crowbar/hatchet!
  19. MrGuard

    Infected with Matrix Like Agility

    I support this idea make them either slow or less... err... retarded.
  20. MrGuard


    good idea!
  21. MrGuard

    Need Help VERY FAST

    Mr. Survivor i will come PM me if that steam dosent work
  22. MrGuard

    make this game really hardcore

    this idea is stupid