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Everything posted by Synoptic

  1. Hey all, Ok lemme break it down to you guys/girls(asl?). I just found out about this game on the latest yogscast, and I thought it was pretty damn awesome. I mean, I love the resident evil movies. So it spawned me in chernarus, I had a look at that dayz map and just got over looking for where that is since I don't even speak russian. I'm looking inside these red buildings and one with a tower. Got myself an akm and a 1911 - must be pretty good loot since I was there for half an hour. So a zombie hits me through a wall right, whatever I've delt with wallhacks before. All I see is this hour glass. I HATE IT WHEN A ZOMBIE HITS ME AND I GO INTO LAST STAND AND CANT RUN. Doesn't matter I eventually get back on my own when I hear shots fired nearby. There is a dude about 100m away, so I run towards him. I'm aiming my akm directly at him to encourage him not to shoot me. I get closeby, I say what I always say to strangers when I need to break the ice "What is your favourite pokemon?" He turns at me and shoots instantly, without even asking for my name. This game is ridiculous and too hard that's all I have to say. I uploaded the last minutes of life in this game (forever?) Link below
  2. Synoptic

    Solo or group play?

    Mate it's a lot SIMPLER operating as a lone wolf. Usually after a death I'm left to my own devices being kilometres away from friends. One guy with the drop can take many others on easily. And it's a lot easier to survive since you're only covering yourself. Team mates offer you protection and firepower, but at the same time can give your position away or even do friendly fire. Overall I definitely believe it's best with friends though. There'll be times when you'll need to be pulled out of a firefight or zombie horde and that's when the bros come in. So yeah if you want the added benefits like transfusions and vehicle making you'll definitely need some buds. I'm sure there are plenty of groups out there willing to have another in their ranks. Just gotta look them up. I don't really advise looking for friends IN the game though lol.
  3. Synoptic

    DayZ Stories

    Bandit story I'm on a fresh spawn after making a big mistake near a deer stand. Elektro - after scrounging and avoiding 2 guys with ak's and a fair few whizzing bullets I end up with a revolver, a lee enfield and czech backpack. My friend spawns near elektro, we seek out to find eachother west of elektro in a barn. He has a Czech backpack with a hatchet and makarov. I decide we shall head to Mogilevka. After 10 minutes we hear gunshots above a ridge, shotgun fire. I tell my friend to stay back as I peak ahead. In the distance I see aggroed zombies running in one direction. A civvy in camo is wheeling back trying to switch to his pistol. His legs break, he falls. 2 zombies kneel over him - he dies. Turns out I veered too hard east, we are at Pusta. We check the town, the two story orange building had a civvy outfit on the ground - that guy JUST got to the camo before us. Sonova. Back to the plan, to Mogi. All clear, we search the area - nothing. Further up ahead is Zub and the few houses next to it. There we find another enfield for my friend. Easy going. We take a hard right to take the hill next to Vyshnoye, no activity. I say we should check the deerstand north of it. As I climb up it to find nothing but ammo, an army zombie aggros and runs underneath the stand. I climb down and run away, my friend has his hatchet out ready to kill the zombie. Suddenly the zombie breaks my friends legs - the zombie is killed right after. We have no morphine. A sad moment was had, he asks if I should shoot him. I say no. I try to think of a way to get morphine. Knowing north is Stary Sobor, a pvp area I frequent - I planned to run over there hoping to find pker's. They always have morphine. I run north leaving my friend behind to find some bandits. I feel ill equipped, I usually go to stary with better weapons. After a few minutes I'm just below stary, with novy sobor on my right. Something catches my eye at Novy, zombies. I begin to work the perimeter, something is in there but I don't know what. I pass a long hedgerow. As the land behind it comes within sight I see a ghillied man proning towards Novy. I stop. Telling my friend I found someone over chat, I see another. One with civvy gear and an enourmous gun in his back. I need morphine. They may have morphine. A circle behind them crouch running. They are unaware, I get within 80 metres. I stop. I fire. 2 shots, 2 kills. I 360 the area now scared of others in the vicinity. I run over to the Ghillie, MORPHINE. I take his backpack, ak74 kobra, range finder, NVG, gps. the lot. I check his friend. Put his AS50 in the backpack, and also extra compass and map for my friend. I dart back towards the south road to find my friend laying there. I bring him back to his feet. I give him the spare equipment. We venture north...
  4. Bandit here. 1. Anyone who parks a bus in an area like that deserves to die. Hopefully a d/c timer or equivalent is implemented soon. 2. Vehicles such as the bus tend to spawn fully operational so who knows/cares about how much work was put into it. Doesn't matter because of point 1. 3. If there are that many people in a group, someone should be on overwatch. It's common knowledge there are players out there to kill, so if you want to run around like ants that is your choice. 4. People making statements about using 3rd person and cursor servers make no sense. there aren't that many servers out there. People play where they can and if there is the option to use these things we will - because everyone else would be too. TLDR learn to play the game before you cry about it.