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About zero2none

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  1. Hey, I'm looking for a clan to join in any of the Dayz modes; Origins, Vanilla or Breaking Point... I would prefer to join a group that is mostly Australian, but if there are any US clans then I might consider joining depending on the server you play on and how active you are. I'm an experienced player; I've played for over 8+ months, I say 8 because I can't remember the exact number, but it's been a very long time. I usually play lone wolf but I've found this whole approach to be quite boring. I've joined several groups before, but most of the time we play one or two times and after they either move onto a different game or are never online again. I love to kill people, but I know when to kill and not to kill, so I'm not a total bandit. I typically like rifles and snipers (who doesn't). I have teamspeak, skype and mumble, this of course includes a headset. Please I don't want to join an little kiddy group. I swear the next time I hear some kid yelling in my headset again, I will scream. If anyone is interested in inviting me to their group, or making a new one, just contact me via steam. My steam id is: fireodx If you add me and don't actually say hi, I'll probably remove you from my friend list.
  2. Hey, I'm interested in joining. I've been looking for another group since my last group has gone inactive. I'm an Australia, so I hope that doesn't cause any problems :P Hit me up on steam or Skype: fireodx
  3. zero2none

    A group of 4

    Age: 22 How long have u been playing Dayz: A year or so. Nationality: Australia (I know you said you can't, but let me know the server so I can check the ping). How often do you play: 3-4 hours weekdays, 5-6 weekends. Survivor, Hero or Bandit: I like killing people, but if I'm in the mood I might help other people. Used to play in a group: I've played in 5 groups so far for Dayz. The first was with some real life friends, who has now decided Dayz is lame and don't play anymore. The next was AZTEC, but they have stopped playing dayz and play 'Neverwinter'. Plus they are a very strict group that have a terrible high pinged server. The next three were groups I found on this forum, but after playing with them once they never log back in or contact me anymore. Skype (if u dont wanna post it PM me): fireodx I'm a good pilot and I like the stealthy approach to any situation.
  4. Do you just play Vanilla Dayz, or Origins and Breaking Point too?
  5. zero2none

    LF Clan/Group

    Hey I'm interested in playing with other people too. I'm tired of the lone wolf play style. I play Origins mostly these days, but I'm willing to try Breaking Point if I have someone with me. If you're interested pm on steam: fireodx
  6. zero2none

    Looking for an ORIGINS group

    Yea, I'm interested in making or joining one as well. Add me to steam and we can discuss it. fireodx
  7. zero2none

    new group for private hive

    Depends which version of Dayz you play. I like Origins and Breaking Point over Vanilla. If you're interested, here's my steam: fireodx
  8. zero2none

    Looking for Friends *DayZ Origins*

    Do you think he'll make another one since you just spoiled his plan in this thread?
  9. Hey there, I'm interested in joining. I've been playing Dayz for around 10+ months, but not consistently. I know how to fly helicopter and drive any vehicle. I tend to be in the mechanic, rifleman, or scout role. I'm alright at sniping but I can always improve. I've joined a few American Dayz clans before, but I'm always plagued with their terrible pinged servers. I usually play Dayz Origins now, as vanilla Dayz is boring. So hit me up if you are interested in Origins or even Breaking Point. I don't have Skype, but I'm willing to install it if you guys are interested in accepting me.
  10. zero2none

    245th Combat Communications Group Recruiting!

    Name: Zero Age: 22 Country: Australia What role you want: Pilot, Farmer, Mechanic, Soldier. I love flying heli's and planes and I love my ak74 kobra or m4a1 cco. I can snipe but not perfectly. Skype: Sorry don't have one Do you have TS?: Of course Former experience with Dayz/Origins: 8-10 months of Dayz and 3-4 months of Origins. I've built 4 houses before, mostly lvl 1, the server I play now always gets database corruption problems, so I can never get a lvl 2 or even lvl 3. Any Former Clan(s)?: AZTEC - still part of them but they have a very bad server (the average US server ping for me is 260-70, their server is around 290-310. So, I'm always at the edge of being auto-kicked due to their 300 ping restriction). Good clan, but very strict about personnel possessions and building houses (everything needs to be shared among the group and officer houses are always first built) also they don't let anyone but 'officers' fly helicopters. I tried asking them to solve the server ping restriction, but they don't seem to care at all.
  11. zero2none

    LF Origin Group

    Hey I'm Zero. I'm looking for a bunch of people to hang with in Dayz Origins. I'm an Aussie, so I would prefer other Australians, due to the timezone, but I'm willing to play with US and EU folks as well. I'm 22 years old and I've been playing Dayz for about 8+ months. I've been playing Dayz mostly alone, and sadly it's starting to get boring. I love playing stealthy, so I like my silenced weapon. But, if I don't have one I usually play with a AK Kobra or some type of rifle. I also love to snipe, but I still haven't figured out how to use the scope properly. I really can't wait for Dayz Standalone, and I would love to join a group that plans to play it when it's released. I would prefer a group that uses TeamSpeak or Skype, because I don't like typing while in a game. Well thanks, if any group is interested in picking me up, please leave a comment here with how to contact you and what server you usually play on. Oh and please no trolls, or anyone planning to set me up or something.
  12. zero2none

    Origins Team setup

    Name: --> Zero Age:--> 22 Country: -->Australia/Aussie Language you speak: --> English Favourite alchohol: --> Don't drink Gender: --> Male Dayz experience: --> Roughly 8-12 months Fly hely or planes: --> I can fly planes and heli's Favourite dayz map: --> Chernarus, Taviana, Skype: --> No Teamspeak: --> Yes! How much dayZ you play? --> I usually play up to 3-5 hours, unless I'm busy with work or personal things. Are you lazy? --> Depends on what I'm doing :P What soildier are you? --> I like the stealth approach, so I love silenced weapons. If I don't have one, I love my Ak 74 Kobra. I also like to snipe, but I suck at using those dam scopes.
  13. Yo, I've been looking for a bunch of guys (aussie) to join and bandit it up. I'm 20 so I think I fit with your requirement. I like using snipers, enough said. Hit me up if I will suit your group. I don't usually come onto the forums, so add me on steam; fireodx