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Everything posted by f00d4tehg0dz

  1. f00d4tehg0dz

    battlebus slaughter

    a few of us put a bus together and went to the coast to have some stupid fun. lol
  2. f00d4tehg0dz

    battlebus slaughter

    we've gotten a roadkill before, but it wasn't recorded :( if we ever do it again i'll personally PM you with a roadkill video, lol. last night we pulled up to three armed men. And they all ran up a hill, we got out to take a shot and then a ton of zombies started chasing us, so we had to focus on them. About a minute later we see one of the guys running down the hill towards us with an axe screaming. LOL!!!!
  3. a group of us got a chopper going and started it up, and it exploded :( But holy crap was this fire huge!
  4. f00d4tehg0dz

    DayZ Screenshots!

    first time getting a helicopter..first time seeing an explosion.. Lol