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Everything posted by Lazypeanut

  1. Lazypeanut

    Which was your first gun?

    The Lee enfield :P found it in Elektro
  2. Lazypeanut

    DayZ Stories

    I apologize for bad punctuation and what not hope its readable anyways... Friend and i (his name is Cristopher) spawn on each side of Elektro speaking over Skype and is determined to find eachother, after a good sneaking around in Elektro i finally find a hatchet (and a bunch of ammunition that i don't need) now with the power to fight back should the incident happen i can. Friend tells me he sit near 3 houses and that he sees a light tower in the distance and i tell him to meet me there. After about a good running and no "real" zombie problems i finally see Cristopher standing on the top of the light tower, we meet up and talk some strategy. He doesn't have any weapons but he found an extra bandage on the way there so we havent both been lucky in terms of items. We decide to try and go down and scavenge the nearest small village we see down the road, the opposite way of Elektro. However before Cristopher gets to stand up again(we were in prone position just beside the light tower while discussing what to do next) i spot another survivor sitting in the bush right beside us with a crossbow in his hands and ready to shoot, i quikly manage to type into the direct communication chat:"Friendly!?" no response, i then again write:"im friendly please dont shoot" i tell Cristopher who still lays down in fear of getting spotted to stand up and run as fast as possible down the hill and over to the "mountain" on the other side of the road. Cristopher stands up and runs and i decide to boog it aswell as i dont want to get foolishly killed in an attempt to best this guy with a hatchet. he fires two shots however he misses with both i quikly lay down in prone mode and i tell Chris to do the same in hope of escaping his eye side. And sure enough he looks a little bit around and gives up on hunting us, he then proceeds down the other side of the light tower than us and we begin to walk a bit more slowly and carefull down to this "Mountain". Trying to climb this mountain unfortunately only resulted in Chris breaking his leg and he can only crouch and sit in prone for now. I see the small village more clear now after a bit walking ont the side of the mountain and i as Chris to stay put on mountain side in a flat area, so he can keep on a lookout for zombies that may suprise me. Unfortunately none of the houses were enterable and we decided to gon into the forest nearby. We see two power lines along the forest, with both of us about to starve and thirst to death i decided to try and follow the power lines asking Chris to stay in prone and be on the lookout. I then run along the powerlines in hope of finding some kind of house or village to scavenge. however with a long run finally finding a dirt road i decide to give up and go back to Chris with me foolishly running i begin to lose blood because of my thirst meter, on my way back i lose blood from both hunger, thirst and bleeding. As i cant find Chris again and he cant spot me i decide to just lay down in the grass and wait for it all to end.