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Everything posted by Aardvark

  1. Aardvark

    Atlanta 24 Admin abuse

    I would still like to hear what will happen with Atlanta 24. I feel that if nothing happens other admins will get the message that they have very broad freedom to ban with little justification.
  2. Aardvark

    Atlanta 24 Admin abuse

    Like I said, I have 2 friends and all of us are only contacting you through this thread. None of us have any interest in speaking with you and your kind in private. I thought this whole thing might have been a mistake on your part but now your actions and accusations show me that you 100% cheated. The people trolling you are not my friends and have nothing to do with us. The more you try to lie and blame us for things we clearly are not responsible for, the more you show your lack of character. None of us are interested in trolling you. All we have to do to punish you is tell what happened in front of everyone here. If someone contacts you somewhere else, it will not be us.
  3. Aardvark

    Atlanta 24 Admin abuse

    I was the guy on there trying to recover our stuff from the camp. Guys with flashlights were there at the camp while I was gathering guns and killed me soon after ghostdad posted this. First time anyone has found our camp the entire time. Not that it matters much, we will start fresh in another server as we were not planning on playing in Atlanta 24 after this bullshit. I don't know what Mayor of Cherno is rambling about up above. We saw their videos and forums posts that you can all see. We knew the general topography of their Petrovka base from the multiple pictures they posted from different angles. We thought the base might also been west of Lopatino or Vybor as one pic clearly showed them driving in Kabanino. My friends and I spent the whole day and night searching every clearing in the north west and slowly made our way east along the northern part of the map. You are trying to insinuate we hacked? Why don't Dayz admins go and check out the server logs. I challenge anyone to provide a single shred of evidence that we were hacking. You put your base in a clearing near a town and you think it's hard to find (especially given the pictures)? All we had to do was travel along the western and northern edge of the map hitting every clearing. We had no idea were your second base was at. 2 of my friends stumbled across it while traveling from our base (west of Zelenogorst) directly north to the NW airfield for a raid. Now that you know where our base is you should understand how easy it was to find you guys (even when we weren't trying to). Basically, you are trying to excuse clearly abusing your admin powers to reset the server multiple times, set the time to dark so your buddies with NVG would have an advantage, and banning my friends just to get stuff in this game. Very pathetic. And we have no interest in going on Vent with you guys. We want this conversation to be done in front of witnesses and we aren't interested in cutting deals. We don't even care about our stuff. We just want everyone to see the shit you guys did and see justice be done. I love how you think your bases are impossible to find without hacking when you put them in obvious base locations. Again, DayZ admins please check the server logs. They will pretty much confirm everything we just said and show that we were not hacking. LOL there are three of us and none of us are even interested in speaking to any of you. Stop trying to excuse your cheating by blaming random stuff on us without any proof. The only place we will speak to you is in front of witnesses, as I said above. And I agree, it is very childish to abuse your admin powers to get an advantage in a video game and then try to deflect blame by lying.