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Everything posted by dakilla187

  1. Like I said also make sure arma 2 retail copy is patched to 1.11 That was my problem....Bye and GoodLuck
  2. Did you read http://www.arma2.com/index.php?option=com_rokdownloads&view=folder&Itemid=20
  3. I also had the arma 2 retail and a steam oa, I had major problems but I solved it after hours. Make sure to manually go to the arma 2 site and upgrade your boxed retail copy of arma 2 to the latest patch on the official arma2 site<<<<<<
  4. dakilla187

    Survivors of Hawaii Unite!

    Skype: burts808 Mostly play lingor, actually its all i play I got a guy on cheneraus with pretty much everything, I got at least 10 semi geared toons on every populated lingor server...
  5. If you lose your gear, join a low population server, run to cherno, get gun, climb the highest building, log out, log in on the highest population server Kill the fully geared sniper in front of you Walla ur now geared
  6. I just killed a sniper who was fully loaded, too bad i didnt need squat...2 fast close dmr shots to his head ended his parade He was camping between kamenka and kamapobo on the hill, unfortunatly for him I was scaling the hill going north No alt f4 for him, poor baby with all that gear, lucky for him I left his body
  7. Thanks, I got a guilli, is there any tents stored there?
  8. dakilla187

    teleporting to the coast

    I teleported from NEAF to between Elektra and Cherno, havnt played since
  9. dakilla187

    Playing = Headache Inducing/Nerve wracking?

    Its anxiety, either good for the body or not Nobody wants to get shot
  10. dakilla187

    Updating Beta Patch

    I have not updated(downloaded)a new beta patch in quite a while, I take it six launcher has nothing to do with it. Do you guys keep it updated if there is no problems Right now im having trouble getting lingor to work and im contemplating updating the beta, im not sure what current beta patch im running. Oh i c the logs, sixupdater doesnt update this?
  11. dakilla187

    Why does my gun drop

    Everytime in crucial situations, zombies chasing me etc, I turn around to shoot and try to get in my ironsights only to find out my gun is dropped. I never double tap cntrl so why does my gun drop, it takes a second to put it up, a second too freaking long
  12. dakilla187

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Yeah by krostonav
  13. dakilla187

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    NE Airfild I got broken legs and 3500 blood Help
  14. dakilla187

    Help on receiving data

    This happens to me all the time, Ive lost vehicles etc. Its extremely annoying and forces you to disconnect asap Im about to give this mod a long rest and go back to my other mods
  15. I got targeted right outside of stary on the north, I was facing north looking towards the 2 tree stands across the feilds. I was stationary in the same color bushes as my guilli, I used alt to look at myself, nothing but my gun barrel showing. Some guy comes running up to me shooting, im not 100%sure if I was on a server where there is name tags. I died
  16. I been playing well over a month and im still alone, people add me on skype and dont even communicate to get a game going, i message them and they take a day to message back. Im a frequent player anytime you see me online on skype im playing day z Age:35 Skype:burts808 Location:Hawaii Time Im looking for one or two frequent solid partners at least over 18 with common sense I go from new spawned player to fully geared with 2 high teir primary guns in less then 2 hours, ill be by nw airfeild by then. If you play frequent add me on skype, dont bother if you dont want to team up frequently, Dont add me on skype and take days to communicate. I just deleted a pile of skype names due to inactivity Im way up north fully geared if your up there gimme a hollar, im a bit 1/2 bandit 1/2 survivor, you know how it is, currently looking for heli crashes to get my nvg back which dissapeared recently. Im also not malicious to anyone teaming up with me, my name is Burt, my forum name is burts, I wouldnt blemish my own name
  17. dakilla187

    Good Loot Route for teh Newbies

    What I do Starting on west coast get to zelen grocery for alice and farm tree houses going north for 2 primaries, one sniper and one close range. Of course starting at cherno west side harbor is the best starting locale to me in the game, from there ill be fully geared in less then 40 minutes Nice map BUMP
  18. dakilla187


    Didnt know you could store anything, I have to manually pinpoint my locale with the coordinates depending on servers
  19. dakilla187

    Solution for Alt-F4

    Ive never ever ALT F4, maybe logout but alt f4 never worked in game EVER for me They should ban alt f4 users, me ill use the abort Oh dont forget the blinking receiving screen, only wayout of that is contrl alt delete, shouldnt be punished for in game quirks
  20. Im in the middle of town slaughtering z and all of a sudden the receiving screen comes up and it blinks every few seconds. This has happened twice, both times i had to control alt delte in a danger zone.. Anyone else? Is the problem on my end(internet?). Is my character veiwable like a standing statue when this happens?
  21. dakilla187

    Receiving screen popping up randomly

    Im still getting this causing me to falsly alt f4, no artifacting This sux
  22. Im looking for couple players to play with, im on right now, im in central part heading back south.. skype:burts808 Perferably hawaii or cali
  23. Any more hawaii peeps?
  24. dakilla187

    Vehicles that spawn with loot

    I found a bus loaded with good gear
  25. I used to smile if i spawn by cherno I called it the triangle:hit the grocery store for alice pack and food, head to church for matches and ammo, head to firestation for guns.... Head North Lower population server of course, gear up then do high population