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About dakilla187

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  1. Still the same generic zombie sound effects.........
  2. dakilla187

    DAYZ Developer MINI Blog April 10th

    I thought this game was canceled? Wasnt it supposed to have been released in december? Well maybe you all will have better luck next december huh...
  3. Since standalone dont come out for another year id say get the mod if you want to be bored.....
  4. dakilla187

    Is DayZ Popularity declining?

    Id assume its declining, since I myself stopped playing at least 2 months ago. Im not even waiting for the standalone anymore, wasnt that supposed to come out already? Oh well, off to better things.....
  5. This happens on those rare occassions, ive been the corpse for buzzards numerous times.. In game im the guy with the big guns and I normally KOS unless communication is made or many other circumstances. I hate how I can be crouched in a house with a substantial weapon and some nut bag I saw earlier who is basically a newspawn with tunnel vision winds up in the same house in front of me. In this situation the opposing player armed with a pew pew pistol clearly sees that I have the extreme upper hand and that I already had the opportunity to kill him as he blindly entered the same room as I waited for him. This fell into my rare communications opportunity time, after two seconds I reach to my keyboard and he shoots me with his pew pew shooter. Ouch im dissapointed and fell into th U Mad category.... I can understand if the opposing player is just plain malicious, but come on, I know not in all situations like this they are indeed malicious. If the guy has a shotgun barrel pointed at you point blank and hesitation occurs and you have the shorter end of the stick, realize that coms is being established......
  6. Bandit skin and a chzek backpack is what I go after from the start, best camo in the game besides guilli suit
  7. dakilla187

    Namalsk - best map yet!

    I gave up on Cheneraus over 3 months ago, been on Lingor Island since and in my opinion its the best MAP :)
  8. dakilla187

    Turning off Side Chat Client Side

    If nobody is on voice comm, im rarely ever reading side chat or no its there if my mind is focused on what im doing. Somebody asked who was at research lab 3 times, he popped around the corner and we killed each other. I told him he should have announced himself, he said he did three times... Its at the bottom of the screen, if your reading it too much your obviously pre occupied doing squat
  9. dakilla187

    DayZ Maps Preference

    Linger since it was released, tried all the rest, Lingor beats them all hands down in my book
  10. You cant expect a guy with a shotgun to give you any retaliation, guy with a fn fal tws is night thermal, although id have mown you down easily with it. Come to linger and ill show you how tough you are...... I cant fully go with this statement but id bet most cherno players such as myself got bored with that map and moved to different maps months ago... Maybe all the new players start with cherno, I Dunno?
  11. dakilla187

    Zombies are too Powerful

    Oh lord, still replying to this? Im whining? I only play Lingor, ive so much hours logged in you cannot school me telling me to avoid zeds, im the guy putting bullets in your heads. This occurance is one of the freak accidents that happend in the linger servers, youd think I dont know how zeds respond and how much they hit for with over 300 hours logged. Sure I can run into a pack of zeds and stand there do a break dance for a while and run away and bandage myself. But there will always be a time where you get a mike tyson punch when your least expecting it. Oh sorry for spamming my cat just ran on my keyboard and this god forsaken whine appeared on my screen
  12. dakilla187

    Zombies are too Powerful

    Possible engine glitch, ive over 200 hours easily logged on in lingor, this has only been occuring in the last couple weeks. The last death I was standing still after attracting zeds from a m24 shot, first 5 zeds walked by me, turned around and left. The sixth zed turned around in front of me, bitch slapped me and killed me..
  13. Zombie gives me a single hit with 9800 blood and I get knocked out(hourglass), this has happened numerous times. I die to zeds more then from other players, not too mention being stuck in a door unable to walk through. I just had 2 high teir weapons fully loaded, i lose it all because of a single zed hit, first hit is a homerun I guess.. sLAP ur knocked out, goodbye Come again...
  14. dakilla187

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    I must have killed 20 players from shooting out windows in calamar
  15. dakilla187

    No IronSights, No Shooting Glitch

    Pressing F didnt help