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Everything posted by ajgthegreat

  1. I am very interested in playing on this server. I am a lone wolf player but similarily I dont use skype. could you PM me with more info please
  2. Personally I would like to see more melee weapons and civilian type weapons (such as various hunting rifles) I feel like it would make more people feel like a survivor instead of a ruthless soldier who just wants to kill everyone. Also, a notepad/pencil would be an Amazing development. you could leave notes in designated areas (houses or grocery stores maybe) telling people of your travels or of important information about locations and intelligence. It would be nice if when killed these notes could be taken from the player so that you could see there story and what they have done. I think this would add a huge element to the story telling of dayz
  3. ajgthegreat

    Regarding Genders, Skins & Teleportation

    Similarly to some other people, I also seem to have issues teleporting upon logging in. I am playing as a female and when I login I end up in a completely different area. 3 out of 4 times I spawned along the coast and the 4th time i ended up spawning in a field in who knows where, and there was a pack of probably 4-5 people armed to the teeth no more than 300 meters walking in my direction. I was obviously killed and lost some good weapons such as m16a2 and mags plus the rest of my gear which was decent. Im a little upset but not sure if it was a glitch, bad server, or hacking. If it is a glitch I kindly am letting the dev team know so they can info for future updates but if it was hackers i am going on a mad bandit spree in which I kill entire servers filled with people!!!!! As a quick side note, it will most only be a short, if not futile spree, so fear not :)
  4. ajgthegreat

    Goal: Escape from Chernarus

    I like the idea of having a helicopter come in every 18 hours or so and I like the idea that you need certain equipment to find it, eg. compass, map, radio. I also like getting new skins each time you can make it to this UN copter. However, I think this could be made more interesting and provide some back log. :D What if you had to deliver some sort of high value target to the helicopter like maybe a vile of blood from 2 or more survivors or maybe intelligence information from off of a dead zombie soldier? Upon arriving at the helicopter, the pilot would say thank you and that they are coming back for you soon. you would now get a new skin and maybe a resupply in ammo. then the chopper would fly into the distance. any thoughts?