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syncmaster (DayZ)

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Everything posted by syncmaster (DayZ)

  1. syncmaster (DayZ)

    Free guns on US 1077?

    Pretty sure its cheating. I got the same exact equipment once while I was randomly walking around, then everyone on the server died 10 seconds later.
  2. This should get posted in the Urban legends thread, because it never seems to happen..
  3. syncmaster (DayZ)


    If you join a server with more than 20 people you can't miss them. At any rate, those saying "I have never seen a hacker in xyz" need to just stfu. I was posting the same thing, now I can't avoid them. You are just asking for it to happen to you. Private severs. Must be whitelisted to join, anyone can ask on the forums and must be allowed to join. Easier to keep tabs on people and lock out the hackers, plus abusive admins would have empty servers once the word gets out.
  4. 1. Spawn on this server 2. Go to that island 3. Get all the gear 4. Go to Cherno/Electro 5. PVP Repeat as necessary, and be sure to call anyone who bitches about bandits/KOS a carebear from now on.
  5. Do you also wonder why they build them so close to the coast?
  6. syncmaster (DayZ)

    Additional sub forums ? (whiners, traders ?)

    Lol. Nothing will stop these posts unless the mods get ban happy. I'm all for letting a few noobs get by with warnings the first time, but after that any other stupid posts and you get 24-48 hrs. After that you should lose your thread starting privileges.
  7. I was just wondering if anyone out there had luck with tents working on their server. I am looking for a new server to call home, and figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. Any server in the US is fine.
  8. syncmaster (DayZ)

    People are still hiding stuff oout of bound??

    I'm pretty sure people have found a way around it or its not working.. Just look at the facts: -No clan members have come in and confirmed they can't do it anymore -No one ever complained that their "off map" stuff is gone after the fix. At least not that I can remember. -Just like you, I find a few things here or there but a bunch of cars are gone and I've searched the whole map on 1 server. On top of that, I remember reading that they will only be reset after a few hours of being unused. I know there are plenty of clans big enough that they could save their stuff every hour if they needed to.
  9. syncmaster (DayZ)

    Are tents working on anyones server?

    Thanks guys, making a note of any server listed and will give them all a shot.
  10. syncmaster (DayZ)

    Bring back the respawn button

    Thanks for pointing this out. I'm going to post in the suggestions forum with my new idea: If you die in the first 5-10 minutes from anything other than a player, you get the same spawn point. "Problem" solved.
  11. syncmaster (DayZ)

    Saving tents and vehicle issues

    Tents don't work for me, but my motorcycle and its massive 5 inventory slots works fine.
  12. syncmaster (DayZ)

    Are tents working on anyones server?

    Working = I can put items in tent, after a restart they don't disappear. Not Working = Tents eat all my stuff after every restart Someone posted yesterday that tents worked fine on his server. He obviously forgot to mention the name of the server, hence my question.
  13. syncmaster (DayZ)

    Tents still duping/losing items

    Tents have never worked for me. Been playing for over a month now. I also know of a few tents that get reset on every server restart. Pretty much unlimited top tier items/weapons for whoever finds it.
  14. syncmaster (DayZ)


    Nice catch! I guess its not that easy after all.
  15. syncmaster (DayZ)

    How long before tents get fixed?

    Server name?
  16. syncmaster (DayZ)

    How long before tents get fixed?

    Tested. Confirmed DOES NOT WORK
  17. syncmaster (DayZ)


    Step 1: Tell your friend to learn to read and look down/left at the same time. Step 2; ??? Step 3: Beans!
  18. syncmaster (DayZ)

    I'm tired of not finding vehicles

    Post your server Mr. Tough Guy Edit: LOL that's what I figured. COME AT ME BRO! You have a 0.02% chance of finding my server.
  19. syncmaster (DayZ)

    How long before tents get fixed?

    They have never worked for me. I got the game the day the patch removed starting weapons.. I'm starting to get the feeling its one of those bugs that will never get fixed.
  20. syncmaster (DayZ)


    Yeah this happened to me too. Changed all my gear and I was too stupid to just gtfo. Soon the whole server died. It was funny (well not rly) cause I had a CCOsd and a m9sd, and was pissed that he changed my weapons. I was probably the only person on the server who was not happy with the "upgrade".
  21. syncmaster (DayZ)

    You're playing too much Dayz if...

    I can spot wildlife like a pro now. I almost wrecked my car when I spotted a rabbit running in someone's yard. I was on my way to get dinner and was starving.
  22. I know not everyone follows the announcements forums, so I thought I would post it here. GET TO THE CHOPPA!!! Don't forget to post videos, stories, etc. Some of us have never played the game with choppers in.
  23. syncmaster (DayZ)

    Choppers should be back on next server restart!!

    Whatever floats your boat man, just turn on fraps so we can lol with you.
  24. syncmaster (DayZ)

    After Server Reset - Tent Items gone?

    I've been carrying a tent around for weeks waiting for a patch that would fix them. Having 3 inventory slots constantly used up is killing me, I think I"m just going to ditch it next time I log on. .
  25. syncmaster (DayZ)


    Its because even their parents want nothing to do with them. Giving their kids a 1k gaming PC and buying them all the games they want is a SMALL price to pay to have them leave you the F alone all day.. I guess you could say that horrible parenting, but with the way these kids act I don't really blame them.