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Posts posted by kevile

  1. would be nice to get some feedback from the admins about this :(

    wesley and flic have accounts here. anyone able to get them via PM?

    edit: can't PM wesley, disabled or something

    sent one to flic

    fingers crossed

  2. just deleted something else!

    issue #3: hatchet

    wanted to give my hatchet to a teammate. was carrying ak74

    after last time, was insanely careful about doing things:

    point up, press g

    attempt to drop hatchet -- click hatchet in toolbelt, no drop button on bottom bar

    drop 2 AK mags on ground (click mags, click drop button on bottom bar)

    confirm mags are on ground

    drop AK74 on ground (click ak, click drop button on bottom bar)

    confirm AK74 is on ground

    right click hatchet and remove from toolbelt

    click hatchet (now in primary slot), click drop button on bottom bar

    no effect

    click drop button a few more times

    no effect

    right click hatchet, click 'drop hatchet' menu item

    hatchet gone from inventory

    no hatchet on ground


  3. Had several item deletes over the past 24hr:

    issue #1

    AK Mags:

    10/16 free slots in my backpack

    3 AK mags and AK74S-Kobra in inventory

    hatchet in belt


    i want to equip my hatchet so i can silently kill some zombies.

    point at sky, press G (so i don't interact with any ground objects)

    double click AK74 -- i want to place it into my 10/16 space bag. it should fit.

    result: the AK74 arrives in the bag as expected. all 3 magazines delete themselves.

    hypothesis: if i had 16/16 bag space, i think the AK74 and all 3 mags would have arrived in the bag, leaving 3/16. i know placing items into a full bag can delete them (not that its really... acceptable, just that i know of this glitch already). i believe the game put my AK into the 10/16 bag, making it 0/16. after that, it tried to move the 3 mags into the 0/16 bag, deleting them.

    issue #2:

    the AK itself:

    0/16 free slots in my backpack: contents are 6 bandages and an AK74.

    in my hand, a second AK74 (my buddy died, i'm carrying both guns now)

    confirm AK in hand, 2 mags in my gear. AK and 6 supplies in my 0/16 backpack. spend about 15 minutes laying in the woods to make sure the server syncs up my inventory contents. log off for the night.

    log back in? 10/16 bag, ak is gone. still holding one AK in my hand.

    could it matter that they were the same model of gun? it was two AK74S-Kobras

    anyway, this really sucks. it would be nice to know if the deletions are coming from dayz or from arma2:oa itself. regardless, its really a game breaker and needs priority attention!
