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About Zimmerman

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Zimmerman

    Winchester 1833

    Huh... I'm not sure where I got '33 from. Still, if it was a rifle IRL I think it should be in-game.
  2. Zimmerman

    Winchester 1833

    So when I first saw another survivor with a Winchester 1833, I thought "Oh look, a Winchester lever-action rifle." Later when I found one of my own, I realized it was a shotgun and it is now my favorite gun in the game due to how common ammunition for it is. After using this gun for a while, I began to wonder if it was a real gun. So I started googling Winchester 1833. I found that as far as I can tell, this gun did not exist, as Winchester named its guns after the year they were created, and Winchester didn't start making guns until 1860. Also, in the event this gun is in fact real, I highly doubt that is had a 15 round magazine. Personally, I think that the Winchester is not a real gun, and has way too OP of an ammo capacity to be such a common find, and perhaps does not even belong in the game at all. I would like to suggest that the Winchester be replaced by a hunting or sporting shotgun of real make and model, pump-action or lever-action, that has a 5-6 round magazine. I could be totally off-base with the gun not being real, though, so feel free to correct me if you know I'm wrong.
  3. I thought int increased zombie count was intentional. Whether it was or it wasn't, I really love the hell out of it. Suddenly the zombies are a threat instead of being some laughable thing to be offed two of three at a time inside houses. Now they are everywhere, and I feel as threatened by the zombies as I do by other players for the first time ever. I love it, love it, love it. I don't want the zombie count to go back down.
  4. Zimmerman

    Multiple Characters

    So because you people are oh so terrified of these "mule" characters, the rest of us should be forced to wait around for everyone else just to play our game, or shell out another 30 bucks to buy TWO copies of the same game? I don't buy into that. Not for a second. I'm more peeved about my lack of feeling like I can play when none of my friends are online than I ever could be about "mules".
  5. Zimmerman

    Multiple Characters

    I support this notion for the exact same reasons OP posted. I would like a different character to be able to play on and lone-wolf a little while I wait for my group to get together.