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About kingssooted@gmail.com

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  1. kingssooted@gmail.com

    Real Bandity How its Done!

    Lol at least you give them the choice to live most of the time. That's pretty cool. Also sticking them up and robbing them is holding true to the bandit code. Most senseless murderers out there that think they are bandits don't seem to understand.
  2. kingssooted@gmail.com

    DZTG Admins protecting tents with hacked items on US 101

    The M136 and Satchel Charge are not hacked items, they are actually in the game.
  3. kingssooted@gmail.com


    If you are referring to the Black SUVs I am pretty sure those are all spawned in, never seem them on the wiki or any vehicle maps as a legit vehicle. Anyways nice revenge.
  4. kingssooted@gmail.com

    AS50.... AWS?

    Speak for yourself, I know every legit weapon in dayz without even checking the wiki, im sure others do as well, theres only so many.
  5. kingssooted@gmail.com

    My secret for a quick gear up

    Are you serious? I wonder if that's how I've been dying before I load in. Because twice i've died on loadin even tho I was in a safe spot in a forest with my buddy, who spawned in ok instead. Then I end up on the coast in my ghillie suit still with no items, everything's gone, I still have my previous kills and headshots, and humanity murders etc. I wonder if someone who was in the debug forest shot me before I loaded into the correct area I was in. If this is happening to others maybe we should post something in the bug reports section. That would also explain why my friend couldn't find my body when he was 5 feet away from where i would of loaded in, the body must be in the debug forest. Where whoever killed me was (most likely a hacker and the weird thing is 2 minutes later this player was banned for having script #47, maybe a coincidence or maybe it's not).
  6. kingssooted@gmail.com

    Why Punish People for a Certain Playstyle?

    I agree, the Sarcasm of your original post was so thick you could cut it with a dull wooden spoon. The best part is you drew out some ALT+F4ers and some bleeding heart liberals to defend your post. While the Anger Management needing Ragers & Elitists tore away at it. It was an epic battle indeed. The prize? The very heart and soul of DayZ itself.
  7. kingssooted@gmail.com

    Hacked, Or Not Hacked?

    there is also a sneaky M4A3 CCO which is also Acceptable, Affirmative.
  8. kingssooted@gmail.com

    Just started and died

    Picking up a AS50 or M107 is fine as long as it's the standard versions which are in DayZ. Don't pick up any versions with fancy letters at the end of them tho, like M107 AWS or AS50 TWS etc because those weapons are not part of Dayz and you will be banned for having them, even if you found them in a crate. Same goes with ammo, if you find some 30 AK SD ammo do not pick it up as DayZ doesn't have AK SD ammo and it's obviously hacked in. If you are curious what weapons and ammo are actually in DayZ go to the dayzwiki
  9. kingssooted@gmail.com

    Respawning on the coast 8/10 times I login

    This is happening to everyone right now it's a bug with It doesn't seem to happen for any one reason either because I have logged out the normal way and logged back in the next day on the coast. Also if you join a server and go back to a after that you will sometimes spawn in dead, with broken legs bleeding out, or no gear. If you downgrade back to you have to deal with all the crazy artifacts from dead bodies and barbwire. So out of those options I still opt for the first one, spawning on the coast every couple of log-ins is nowhere near as bad as the alternatives.
  10. kingssooted@gmail.com

    Why 1 type of Helicopter?

    I think there should be more types of helicopters, they would fit in DayZ and add some much needed variety. Also why I think their should be Humvees, hell we pass by 100 everyday ingame not one is fixable? The tanks I understand why there isn't a drivable version but the Hummers I don't, they are another nice offroad vehicle like the Military Off-road and Off-road Pickup, could even both several versions in, the ones with the HMG or the ones with a LMG mounted on top or the ones with no armament at all. One of the helicopters I would suggest unlocking for DayZ is the blue and white civie chopper it would make sense to have it ingame, and it can work as an ingame air taxi for friendlys, as it's completely unarmed and meant for recon or transport. Another chopper that I think would fit is the Chinook. Since all the crashed helis are of British origin, it would be only fair to include the Chinook. Plus it's a great clan transport, armed to the teeth with 3 MG turrets. The last chopper I could see being stumbled upon ingame is the 1950s era 2 seater chopper. I could also see Hinds being in this game as it makes sense, russia dished out millions to it's satellite countries. But a fully armed military helicopter would probably have no place in a game like DayZ or have only 1 or 2 spawn, and clans could hunt each other with them. Be nice to have tanks in that case, which would mainly be for postapocalyptic civilized warfare between two surviving groups. Useless against Zombies, but great for exterminating humanity.
  11. kingssooted@gmail.com

    Make magazines rare, make ammo more common?

    I think there should be more, this is a sim of a zombie apocalypse in our world, and in our world we have a shitload of ammo calibers. I think all ammo of the same caliber should be interchangeable tho, and some of it already is. Like the Shotguns and the M1911 and Magnum Revolver, and the G17, M9, M9SD, MP5s and PDW. The PDW can fire all 9x19mm ammo. Making it the most versitale weapon in Day Z, ammowise. It can use the mags of 6 different guns. Oh and non-silenced weapons can use silenced mags. But again as in this post and my previous I would like to see more ammo types and more calibers available. I think DayZ should use at least 50% of Arma 2s arsenal. Right now I think were barely using 20%
  12. kingssooted@gmail.com

    Make magazines rare, make ammo more common?

    Certainly an interesting idea, how it would actually work is up for debate. It would introduce a whole new level of micromanagement over your equipment tho. I would have to say if this route is taken, I would like to see different ammo types, so we can fill mags with different ammo. A Handful of Magnum Slugs,1 Mag of Hollowpoint, 1 Mag of Armor-peircing, 1 Mag of Match, 1 Mag of Depleted Uranium ( I wish). We already have Sub-sonic and Super Sonic Ammo, and Buckshot and Slugs I would like to see greater variety.
  13. kingssooted@gmail.com

    How to be friends with random survivors you meet

    Yeah shooting someone in the leg isn't exactly the best way to gain their trust. Especially since you will most likely break that leg and they will have a broken bone, and be majorly pissed off. I say ask if they are friendly, if no immediate response (a "yes", a salute, a lowered gun) then fire a warning shot. slightly to the left or right of their center of mass. That way if they go hostile you are already aimed at them and only a few centimeters off from the killzone, and if they go friendly like they usually will, go ahead and make friends. Players in DayZ ALWAYS feel eternally grateful for anything another player gives them because everyone knows what a pain anything in this game is to come across when you need it. You can never find anything when you need it, but you'll find 10 when you don't :P
  14. Yeah this is a dumb thread, everyone hates hackers, but we aren't going to put the few untouched servers down in this thread, and anyone that does is an idiot. If you truly want to know a hacker free server, just pm someone and ask if they know one.
  15. kingssooted@gmail.com

    TIP: Manual install launched through steam

    DayZ Commander is the way to go, Beans for a good post!