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Everything posted by umandez

  1. I don't even understand why you start with one? It makes the other lower tier packs redundant. Remove it? Yes or no? EDIT: Some interesting points made about making vest pouch a higher spawn rate and other lower tier backpacks, along with making Alicepack a lower spawn rate. EDIT2: Ticket has been made for DEVs attention to the thread. Im sure this is in alot of peoples interests to be included into the mod. EDIT3: People have suggested we start with vest as starter pack?
  2. Just noticed since everything went to shit and now been fixed. I have a new function "loadEvents" anyone know what this is? Googled and got nothing.
  3. umandez

    New battleye function.

    Could you link, explain or PM please? :)
  4. umandez

    I no you guys are trying but

    Go to BI forums. DayZ team have no control over Battleye.
  5. Go back to www.dayzmod.com and click contact the team.
  6. umandez

    Temp fixed battleye problem...

    It would be stupid to make it global. Pm me if you would like to know.
  7. umandez

    Temp fixed battleye problem...

    Battleye is screwed. Well the game is about the community without players this is a crap game. Items lost can be replaced. I'm still working on what's wrong but for now my server works.
  8. Temp solution to the problem. Wouldn't normally do this but feel free to play on our server for now if you can't find another that works. US454 Edit: sorry for double post bad connection.
  9. umandez

    Temp fixed battleye problem...

    Stop it from "kicking" for now on certain things. Till BE pull their finger out.
  10. umandez

    Player Punishment Ratio Unacceptable

    Lol.. Why don't you make a better game then? Arma2 has pretty much been hack fixed to make a persistent world for a mod. Thats pretty awesome and it's been done rather well judging from the numbers. What's the point in fixing all the bugs limited by the engine itself if it's going standalone? You know big fancy words don't make you a game developer. You clearly don't know how this shit works nor understand the technical side of things. You're just another butt hurt moaner that's crying about spending his money on an alpha test of a mod on Arma 2. Next time I suggest keeping your mouth shut Big shot. Peace.
  11. You need to update your beta patches. Most servers are running 95819.
  12. You're better off making a support ticket.
  13. umandez

    Helicopter Repair

    If its blown up you need to wait till the servers restarted.
  14. umandez

    battleye admin msg in game

    Dw. Worst you'll get is an undeserved server ban but meh 100s of servers to play on. Those messages are server admin controlled through the battleye Rcon panel they aren't battleye sending them to you. Don't worry about it.
  15. umandez

    battleye admin msg in game

    It's just a server admin message. No idea how he knew where you were unless you mistook it and it was a global message.
  16. umandez

    Hackers or Server Admins?

    You are either completely retarded and have no idea what you are on about or trolling. We aren't talking about WoW emulated servers here. ( I miss those )
  17. umandez

    Hackers or Server Admins?

    No, no, no and no! It's hackers. Server admins have no access that. We can't teleport and we can't kill anyone we wish. We can kick, ban, message and restart the server. That's it.
  18. umandez

    no backpack , turban

    What's wrong with it?
  19. umandez

    Remove starter backpack?

    Other packs look much cooler :|
  20. umandez


    Oh, fuck off.
  21. umandez

    Free Awesome Loot

    What... The... Fuck...
  22. umandez

    Horses and wild animals

    At least someone agrees there should be horses. Lulz.
  23. Blown to smithereens