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Shuriken (DayZ)

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About Shuriken (DayZ)

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  1. cant find it on dayz commander
  2. cant wait :) spawning in is gonna be so much fun, 200 ppl scrambling to find a gun 3 ppl in a shed XD
  3. Shuriken (DayZ)

    What are sanctuary servers, and how do they work?

    thx for the answers guess i can let my friends try out the game without them getting me killed
  4. These past few days ive seen these servers named "sanctuary" so one of them has nice ping, and a decent pop so i join i spawn without my stuff on the coast(this is before update) so i freak out and immediately abort. i log on to a regular server to find that i still have everything i did some searching around but all i could find is that theyre not connected to the main hive. i have a few questions that im hoping someone can answer Will a character on a sanctuary server save(next time i log on to the same server) my character? Will i get a different character for each sanctuary server? Will anything happen to my regular character(the one i play on regular servers) Are these allowed?
  5. Shuriken (DayZ)

    Searching for some guys to play with

    op, how old are you?
  6. Shuriken (DayZ)

    Looking for more players for a small group

  7. Shuriken (DayZ)

    Lookin for a fresh start and a new team

    how old are you?where are u ingame currently?will we bandit?
  8. Shuriken (DayZ)

    Need a group Of people to play with :)

  9. Shuriken (DayZ)

    Alone....So Alone....

    how old are you? whats your skill level and what gear are you currently equipped with?
  10. Shuriken (DayZ)

    The Truth - A Guide to Surviving Hackers

    very well written guide in fact, i have just been "lock manned" by a hacker i was in elektro, playing on a low pop us server when my game just freezes i was in the middle of looting a dead body, and it freezes at first, i was enraged, thinking it was my laptops fault(its very glitchy) i couldnt alt tab or alt f4 or open up menu, so i turned off my laptop, probably saving my life! this guide will be very helpful to new players, thanks for taking the time to explain hacking
  11. Shuriken (DayZ)

    Cant get hatchet out of backpack?

    wow that sucks... D: if i dropped my bag, could i pick it up and drop it somewhere else? can i still harvest wood with it? if not... well i just wasted 5 slots D: anyone else have more suggestions?
  12. For some reason, cant get my hatchet out of my backpack when i found my gun and alice pack(found them in same building) all i had was a hatchet i picked up the pistol and put my hatchet inside my backpack(i forgot to place it on toolbelt) now i cant get it out i had to abandon other guns because there wasnt enough space i tried everything, dropping my pistol my primary, but nothing works is there a solution to this problem, or is this just a glitch?
  13. Shuriken (DayZ)

    Stole A Car, Found Something Interesting....

    Server hoppers ugggghhhh why do you do it??? this needs to be fixed or something
  14. Shuriken (DayZ)

    Server Hoppers

    i totally agree with this its pretty annoying when you walk for a couple of hours from spawn to get to NW airfield and find your first gun of that life just to walk 3 feet before getting shot in the back