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Everything posted by cruc1al

  1. I have an AS50 and willing to trade. I am looking for a SVD Dragnov *have wanted this thing badly, since day 1* I will up the loot if necessary. But a Sniper for a Sniper sounds fair.
  2. I have Satchel(s) and looking to trade for an SVD Camo. 2 Satchels for the gun and if you have 3-4 mags that's worth a satchel, if you have additonal mags, the pro rate does apply. The date and time and place will be set in the future. Let me know if your interested. You will come unarmed, as will I. The trade will be fast and clean. Using the tent system of trade.
  3. You do realize the sniper will be in there bag and then implanted into the tent. So no one will have a weapon visible. Picture of the satchel(s)?? That can be arranged, but I ask you then for a picture.
  4. Will trade for the L85. Time and Place, message me.
  5. I have an engine, I take it there is no ammo with the weapon?
  6. cruc1al

    Playing Armory.

    Or lack there of. Since this new patch my armory doesn't work. I asked a friend who always hosts our Armory games to try and no dice. WTF!! Someone needs to fix something, this patch is turning out to be nothing but fail.
  7. cruc1al

    idea for a starting weapon

    You guys are missing the point. This isn't a realism mod, not even a simulation. Its a Game, games are meant to be fun. Want proof, the Zombos accelerate to around 30-35 mph to catch you sprinting away.... Le Sigh!! Tone down these Zombie bastards, rigor mortis and dead tissue shouldn't be able to beat a track star like our sprinting avatars that cruise at 15 mph for hours on end. But wait, it's a game. We should have overweight characters, because everyone knows their the first to go... *(horrible cardio)* :-D EDIT: We eat and drink all day, where does all the poop go?????? Weird right? We have outhouses, why not use?
  8. cruc1al

    Playing Armory.

    Sure you can disable the mod and blah blah. But honestly, you shouldn't have to, a mod should never intefere with the original game it is developed from. Make it a standalone game or don't take away Arma 2 from others. I'm sure Bohemia had no intentions of having mods that inhibit the orginal game being played for their customers. FIX this please.
  9. cruc1al

    Some feature ideas requesting feedback

    I support this fully. I will be your campaign manager for the Radio Tower beacon. I've been killed twice in the NW Airfield (Southern Barracks) by a server hopper as I was leaving, after clearing the rooms. Or your shooting at someone, they log out. Only to reappear behind you and kill you, even if your on a roof with 1 access point (ladder). I'm sure Rocket had no intention of this sort of ass-hattery by players, and the logging out and despawning the Zombies just because you can. Really takes away from the game. There should be a logout timer of 5-10secs. That amount of time isn't unreasonable in a good situation, in a combat situation that gives enough time for the coward to die by my bullets. Food for thought and discussion. Keep up the updates and the good work.
  10. I have a general Idea on how to set a (MaxPing 200). But please correct me if I am wrong. I am hosting my server through HFB Servers, btw. Ok, so I start off with; File Manager > cfgdayz > BattleEye > New File > Name the file > Beserver.cfg > Hit ok > Type (MaxPing 200) > Hit Save > Restart the server. Am I missing something, or should that have worked? Since, it doesn't stop people from entering my server with 300-400 pings. ideas or a different approach from the DayZ community would be greatly appreciated.
  11. cruc1al

    SVD Camo

    Has anyone found an SVD Camo in the Barracks recently in the past week? I've yet to see one of these things since I started playing around a month ago. Do they exist, the closest I've came is finding the ammo for them.
  12. Vehicle Wipe ENGAGED!! All vehicles we had, *(NOT out of bounds)* Gone, oh well gives us a reason to go hunting for them again.
  13. cruc1al

    SVD Camo

    Please share? For a sniper, you wouldn't be able to get much better. If you mention the .50's, the only thing they have going for them is the 1000+ range. GL finding an open area other than the NW Airfield or Mountain to Mountain to obtain that kind of range, and hopefully the weather permits such a View distance. Zeroing takes time, this bad boy does it on the fly through the scope.
  14. cruc1al

    SVD Camo

    I would so murder you for that gun. lol!