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Everything posted by Yeni

  1. Yeni

    Why are cars so rare in Chernarus?

    Well, this isn't America where cars are on every single street. Second, Dayz is based on a setting far into the Zombie apocalypse where very few people are alive and everything is corrupted.
  2. Yeni

    teleported back to spawn

    It throws you at the coast when you spawn in the debug forest.
  3. Well. 1 bullet to the rotor, and well..... Consider it fucked.
  4. You should get the server blacklisted.
  5. Yeni

    i need bandit group

    Ok. Any experience? Didn't see that listed. Are you well equipped? Didn't see that listed. Are you a sniper, spotter, etc? Didn't see that listed.
  6. Yeni

    Heli dissapeared

    Yea, 4-5 hours is a perfect amount of time for someone to find it. Trust me, people spend ALL day running up and down the edges of the maps.
  7. Extremely generous offers. But If I happen to win(I know I won't), I would go with the ghillie and m4 cco sd.
  8. Yeni

    Woooow Really !?!?

    You've entered the thunderdome. Your mistake was respawning. YOU COULD OF PICKED UP THE BEST WEAPONS, AND DISCONNECTED.
  9. Yeni

    Two sets of NVGs

    They have more then 1 probably for a friend. I would be careful with those rangefinders and NVG, having them both is a rare occurance.
  10. Sounds interesting even though it is hosted by hackers. Tell me more.
  11. Yeni

    How do you reload UH1H chopper guns

    I thought you could use an M240 Ammo belt on it.... Guess not.
  12. Alright, I died in cherno. No problem, Ill go back and get vengeance on the kid who decides to no scope snipe me. 15 minutes later= Loading. So much for getting the loot back.
  13. Alright, so tonight, I am FUCKING HAPPY AS HELL. Alright, as usual, I snoop around cherno, griefing players, having fun. But, since its a full server, Theres always someone camping the factory. I run up, Ohey dude with cz550, Bye dude with cz550, About 15 shots takes him down(Like wtf?). Then holy shit, a dude in a ghillie pops up(Im in 3rd person at this point). Hipfired a headshot. He is down. Alright, so looks like they killed 2 other people. But that didn't interest me. What interested me was the gear. So I go through their bodies, Rangefinder, Nv goggles(2 items I never even seen or had), As50, a Gps and compass, M4 cco sd, Coyote backpack. I then say Im done with griefing and abort in happiness. By the way, I use an Ak74 for the kills.
  14. I wanna try my luck even if it does mean I lose my rangefinder/nvg/coyote/As50..... I mean seriously... It sounds epic.
  15. Yeni

    I hit the motherload

    I've played Arma. I've used them in arma. But why would I trade away such a rare item I JUST GOT? Seriously.
  16. Someone is mad. Plus, just be happy you didn't lose your gear to a camping sniper.
  17. Someone is mad. Plus, just be happy you didn't lose your gear to a camping sniper.
  18. First, YOU SUCK AT AIMING MAN. I saw your aiming go at his head. So instead they would either go up or just miss. Second, you were using a nerfed weapon, If you kept the Mp5sd out, you probably could of killed him. Third, He was at a range, so the revolver wouldn't do as much damage as it would of if you were at point blank. If you aimed a bit lower, and had your mp5 out, you could of knocked him out.
  19. I would like to see someone create that "Safe haven" in the middle of the woods. It would be barbed wired in a square form, with only one entrance. It would be very nice to see.
  20. So your trading ALL of that, for just a ghillie and a SVD camo? Yea, obviously not a trap.
  21. Yeni

    My patch notes

    I disagree with most of them.
  22. Yeni

    Heli Experts

    Repair EVERYFUCKING THING ON IT. Even the windows.
  23. Oh. In that case, Why bother trading them. Just go to a full server, look at the top of cherno factory roofs. Profit. Thats where I got my loot I listed in my first post on the thread.
  24. Yeni


    Nope. Have fun jumping out your crashing huey.
  25. Yeni

    Logged in and Gun was gone!

    That would suck if you had some nice gear.