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Everything posted by Yeni

  1. Yeni

    Okay, here's an option

    Its not hard to find out. Server hop the coast, go slightly into the ocean where you just start to swim. If you drop items, just get back a bit, and pick it back up, and server hop until you find the right one.
  2. I honestly didn't know your age determines your maturity. Im 15, I don't hack, nor Camp cherno and elektro. Not everyone is a script kiddie, or camper.
  3. Yeni

    Finally got NVG's!!!

    If your looking for NVG, I tend to find LOTS of them on top of the factories in cherno. And Rangefinders... And sniper rifles...
  4. I kinda like dying. It means you get to enter cherno/elektro, kill everyone on sight, not giving a crap about dying. And going to the top of factories with an AKM in cherno on high pop servers.
  5. Hive sucks. I lost an M4 cco SD, and mags for my gun. I logged out 1 minute later after collecting them. Next time I logged back in, they are gone.
  6. Dont post new servers. Completely RUINS the server. Now watch some clan make it their home and hoard a lot of vehicles.
  7. Yeni

    DayZ care package???

    You are wrong. If he hacked in the box, then he would be banned. But finding it and using the guns inside does not get you banned.
  8. Yeni

    DayZ care package???

    My question is, why you even went to cherno/elektro after grabbing the goodies.
  9. I'm not complaining about the Weapon damage nerfs. I'm complaining about the lee enfield. All of a sudden, The sound radius reduced, and everyone that fires at me happens to have the lee enfield. It gets annoying after a while.
  10. Yeni

    My spawn changed?

    If your lucky, 30 minutes. Otherwise, an hour or two.
  11. Whoa, look out guys, We have a badass over here.
  12. Yeni

    My spawn changed?

    If you were to spawn in the debug plains/forest, you would spawn at the coast.
  13. He ALT F4ed. Welcome to Dayz.
  14. Yeni

    Trading for AS50 w/ Mags

    Everywhere? So what makes you think a BANDIT is gonna do a SUCCESSFUL trade.
  15. Yeni

    L85A2 AWS gone :(

    Well. It only takes a day to get one. Assuming you server hop stary all day long.
  16. Yeni

    Never had such a rush

    You'll get used to it.
  17. What is your age? 15 How long have you been playing DayZ? 2 months Where do you live? Texas What role would you prefer? (Assault, Sniper, Medic, etc) Sniper What can you bring to SSrT that you promise no other recruit can? Protection. Me and my trusty AS50 take people down easily. Scenarios Questions: Answer with complete honesty and not just one sentence. We are watching B) 1) You're in base along with another member, and a group of three approach camp without showing signs. How do you react? Run for the trees and get a respectable distance and make sure you have a nice overlook of the camp. Wait til they start looting, and start taking them out 1 by 1 quickly before they get away with our loot. 2) You're the Squad leader of the Assault team Alpha and your running across a field to gather Intel on a enemy position and your team is fired upon and two men go down. Whats your first order of action as squad leader? Shoot surpressing fire at the enemy's general location, and get to the nearest treeline. Once done, get a location and start shooting until he dies or retreats. 3) During a OP in cherno you and your team come across a survivor with broken legs asking for help. How do you respond? If he has a weapon, kill him. If he doesnt, help him out. Then kill him.
  18. They Double tap Capslock so it keeps the mic on, and then probably have a stereo blasting out into their mic.
  19. I would form a group on your server, if there is enough vehicles and enough people to kill.
  20. Alright, so Im down for a group. Tired of playing solo, my last group broke up because of our inactivity. But I am back into the game, and ready to start again. Im looking for experienced players, people who know what they are doing. I am looking for 4-7 people as a group. Post here or PM me if interested.
  21. Yeni

    in need of antibiotics.

    Antibiotics are SO FUCKING COMMON at cherno military tents/hospital. I find them every few times I go there.
  22. Yeni


    It would be even better if you could "gamble" your items. Like, you walk in, you have an extra set of NVG, you bet that, and if you win, you get everything that all the other players bet. Would be cool, but I highly doubt the thunderdome would be implemented.
  23. Yeni


    Man. Why are people so mad about the thunderdome. Yes you lose your loot, but THERES EVERY SINGLE GUN IN THE CRATES AT THE CORNER OF THE PLACE. I have yet to go to the thunderdome, but If I did go there, I would simply go to the ammo crates, grab a gun, shoot people trying to get to the crates, and grab all the good stuff, and simply abort.