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Everything posted by Yeni

  1. Yeni

    Clear proof of wall hacks.

    Some guns can penetrate walls depending on the gun and the wall.
  2. Yeni

    Rearm 5.56 ammo

    Its a hacked ammo crate.
  3. Yeni

    Very low Terrain

    If its true, then I would be going to the 45-50/50 servers and looking into the hills for people.
  4. I have a map of most Heli crash locations. I could go to the spot where the most spawn spots are, and server hop it on every server until i find one. Thats how easy this game is. Does it take the fun out of it? Yes. But is it worth it? Yes.
  5. Too unrealistic? This a zombie survival game. Nothing is realistic about zombies.
  6. Yeni

    Let them live or not ?

    Just because YOU'RE friendly, doesnt mean THEY are friendly. Just remember that.
  7. 9000m+ from my current location. Yea, Guys gl with that.
  8. Yeni

    Stumbled on the motherload

    Eh, Its not the best, but I guess for someone who just respawned, its ok.
  9. Ill take the Nvg, but everything else can go to waste.
  10. Yeni

    Motorcycle - Need help!

    Either need a new engine, damaged tire. Or you need to drive on roads.
  11. Get in the driver seat. Look at the top left corner. The little boxes, if its red, then it needs to be repaired.
  12. Yeni

    The Life Expectancy Counter

    Yep. Every server, once I see someone die. I expect the same person to die about 4-5 more times.
  13. Press Q to start the engine, and then just Use Wasd to drive.
  14. Yeni

    Fail Bandits of the Week

    Im calling bullshit. They would of dropped you the second one of their teammates died.
  15. Yeni

    For those two cherno snipers

    Im forsure you killed the guy with the Asw, so his loot and body is now gone to waste. But nice kills.
  16. Yeni

    ATV going in circles...

    Repair everything. The engine, the hull, the wheels. And you should be fine.
  17. So, as I go to the NW airfield, entering from the Nw, I start to hear 2 different gunshots thinking 2 people are there.... I decide to ambush them. As I get to the hangars I start to hear their gunshots trying to guess which Hangars the gunshots are coming from. So I start to hear the gunshots louder and louder as I get between 2 hangars and forsure know its one of them. So I have my Trusty Fn Fal(Was dumped in the barracks by someone) and start crawling between the hangars. I use Direct chat to say "Hello" and ask who was there. No answer. So I then knew it was a bandit waiting to kill me. But I found out it was a girl character(No idea if its a guy in real life) as I peek into the corner with 3rd person. I see someone. She had a Dmr and her sidearm out ready to kill me. So I get up, get into first person, quicky go in and sprayed the crap out of her. I heard 1 gunshot as she attempted to shoot back, as she was shocked. And then my murder count increases to 9. Knowing she was dead. I quicky loot her, take the Dmr, drop the Fn Fal(Only 1 mag, Dmr mags are easier to find and I have a Kobra in my pack). But I also notice another dead body right by her. I didnt loot it as I couldnt be bothered to waste my time, but looked like he had an M4a1 or similar. I quickly got out of there and ran out of the Nw airfield proud of my small ambush.
  18. Yeni

    Died of dehydration... in the rain.

    If you die by thirst or hunger, you really need to loot cities more often.
  19. Yeni

    Huge fire

    Its a Forest fire caused by something. I have seen it, right after a heli crashed, a huge forest fire just started. Not a common sight.
  20. Yeni

    I just died...

    Chances are, the building was weak, and Zeds made it blow up, or someone decided to throw satchel charges in the barn.
  21. Yeni

    this mod is stupid now

    I am too lazy to read everyone else's post to see if they told you about the military tents in cherno. Everytime I stop by there, I usually find a good weapon, such as the Ak's, shotguns, and one time, a Dmr.
  22. Yeni


    Its a bug that sometimes happens when you log out under trees or certain structures.
  23. Yeni

    dayz is losing its meaning

    I blame Side chat removal. You dont know who is in the town your about to enter, meaning if you see someone, you better shoot them before they shoot you. In b4 "Its more realistic"
  24. Yeni


    He is talking about the flying Helis that you were able to repair and stuff.