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Everything posted by Yeni

  1. Yeni

    Unfair Servers

    Yea, they dont want anyone killing them. Only they are allowed to kill you.
  2. Yeni

    Luckiest loot you've discovered?

    An As50 off a heli crash.
  3. Yeni

    How to Loot a Helicopter

    Alright, so when you blow up a helicopter, more loot spawns....
  4. So I am trying to find myself a ghillie suit. But I want to know where you guys find your ghillie suits. I know they can be found at Devil's castle, and certain buildings. But I wanna know which buildings you guys get the most luck in.
  5. I would of just shot them all. If they have a weapon, they arent friendly.
  6. Its not bad for the "Newbie sniper". But all the other snipers have way better scopes. I got 2 headshots in a row at 800+ meters. Wasn't too bad when I had it. Then again I have yet to try the "better" rifles.
  7. Yeni

    Fun Fact About Stary and Novy

    Fun fact: There is ALWAYS a heli crash by Novy/stary sobor.
  8. Your really pathetic, your getting no loot off of this. You even barricaded the entrance to your spots. Thats just pathetic. Im sick and tired of people camping inside cherno.
  9. Yea. I saw a guy driving a tractor around berezino. Didnt end well for him as I blew it up for him.
  10. Alright. How to use the CZ: You dont. It sucks.
  11. Yeni

    Weapon help!

    A lee enfield vs the M4 cco..... Yea, The Cco obviously wins.
  12. Helis arent back in game... I think..... I would look for a car, start a campsite, form a group.
  13. Yeni

    Why I hate playing with my friends

    Dude. If you know them in real life. Go tell them in real life.
  14. There was a CZ on the dude I killed..... I wanted it.
  15. It is an exploit, but there is nothing you can do about it. A lot of people do it, because there is nothing stopping them.
  16. Yeni

    DayZ needs the Bandit suit back

    You can still tell if someone is a "Bandit" just by looking at them. Your characters heartbeart goes up when you look at a bandit.
  17. You had a bike.... I would of just flat out shot you.
  18. Actually, I had just spawned. I was going to get my loot off some dude that I actually killed legitly, and didnt camp him. I ran into there like 10 times, and got sniped.
  19. So earlier I found a heli crash, No Nvg sadly. But I did find an As50, So I traded my M24 in for the As50, I know little info about the As50 and M24, so I was wondering, did I make a good swap?
  20. Yeni

    Do's and Dont's of D/Cing

    I just died, and my sniper friend who was watching me loot stary, nailed the guy who killed me. Didnt kill him, so the guy he shot disconnected.
  21. Yeni

    Insane survivor

    Yea, you'll be sniped in a few seconds.
  22. I practice in editor. It gets really easy in game once you get better.
  23. Yeni

    Spawning with no weapons/ammo

    Its a patch. You now start to spawn with no weapons and ammo. Enjoy.
  24. Yeni

    Desolation is looking for a few good men.

    If you aren't bandits or survivors.... Then you are ZOMBIES.