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Everything posted by andy_uk15@hotmail.com

  1. I guess it could be a balancing thing. I've been on servers where the night is properly illuminated by moonlight. But in such conditions, people can easily ram up the gamma, and brightness to easily see in every dark nook and crany. Devs have made it so dark that it becomes a non-issue. Personally, I prefer the more realistic Night times - but I would like a happy go between the pitch black night of Day Z, and the default night of ARMA
  2. andy_uk15@hotmail.com

    Loot Spawning

    TBH, I've never sat at a spawn long enough to count. Suffice to say, a server will replenish empty spawns faster. How long it takes to do so is entirely dependant on how long your willing to camp there.
  3. andy_uk15@hotmail.com

    How to measure distances in DayZ

    Here's a quick reference for using a scope with Mil-Dots. If the target you are aiming at takes up a number of mildots in your cross-hairs... the range is the following and use page up and page down to zero accordingly: 5 mildots - 360 meters away 4.5 mildots - 400 meters away 4 mildots - 450m 3.5 mildots - 514m 3 mildots - 600m 2.5 mildots - 720m 2 mildots - 900m 1.8 mildots 1km Alternatively you can work it out on your own using the following formula: Height of item in meters x 1000/Mils read = Distance to item in yards (meters) Characters in ARMA are generally 1.8m tall, standing. I hope this helps :D
  4. andy_uk15@hotmail.com

    Stuck in fire station :(

    Hey guys... I've found myself stuck in the tower section of the fire station. Folk have barb wired it off, and now I can't get out. I'm server hopping like mad trying to find one that's not been blocked. Is there some way I can get around them? Any exploit / ways to get through walls etc - because this is ridiculous.
  5. andy_uk15@hotmail.com

    The longer i survive, the less i play

    Yeah... It sucks... But at the end of the day - you just need to try not taking Day Z too seriously. I died recently, and lost a lot of good equipment. But i've been having more fun running around messing with other n00bs in Cherno and Elektro than I have been providing over-watch for my buddies at Stary Sobor. My point is - Whether your starting over again, for the 100th time, or not. Day Z is an enjoyable experience. I damn nearly had a heart attack when an enemy player opened fire upon my character in my last life. Adrenaline pumping - FEAR! I really didn't want to die. No games made me feel like that since the original EverQuest. God I love Perma-death.
  6. andy_uk15@hotmail.com

    No competent player should die

    Day Z / ARMA is more a test of ones tact and observation than reaction time. It requires more thought than other FPS's. While it'll never be an e-sport, it does well at being what it is... A simulator.
  7. andy_uk15@hotmail.com

    Stuck in fire station :(

  8. andy_uk15@hotmail.com

    No competent player should die

    Had alot of nice equipment... Night vision, DMR. Living for 5 days and counting, usually the top of the leader boards in terms of Zeds killed. Being a loner at night - looking for any possible vehicles; ONE zombie ran up, broke my legs, knocked me unconcious, took 7k off my 12k health pool in one hit!... Shhiiiiiit. That was a learning experience. Pretty much told me not to get attached to my gear.
  9. andy_uk15@hotmail.com

    Early warning alarm system

  10. andy_uk15@hotmail.com

    Early warning alarm system

    Trip wires that launch flares when....tripped.
  11. andy_uk15@hotmail.com

    Why do you murder?

    ^ You would get those in a zombie apocalypse... :P
  12. andy_uk15@hotmail.com

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    Would be nice if you could walk through it, but with some PAIN / bleeding... might even be forced prone by the time you get to the other side. Same effect on Zeds should be enforced - since they run straight through it atm :(
  13. andy_uk15@hotmail.com

    Clear proof of wall hacks.

    lol The name - 'nooblord' Be damned if he ain't "TROLOLOLOLOLING" right now.
  14. andy_uk15@hotmail.com

    Why do you murder?

    To be fair, in the dire circumstance of an apocalyptic event, anything we may call 'humanity' takes a back seat when survival is at stake. While I don't actively hunt other players, and generally avoid conflict - if at all possible; I am aware that others will be more bloodthirsty / greedy in nature. People say that it is unrealistic to shoot people on sight for 'shits and giggles'... But ask yourself - Is it? Is it really? In a world where there are no rules & regulations, no societal constraints, no law, no order. What is stopping people from killing indiscriminately? While some may feel bound to some moral obligation - most will not. And that's the simple fact. I don't find this sort of behavior unreal what-so-ever! I notice, when playing Day Z with a group of friends, we become less of a cautious survivor, and more akin to a marauding pack of dogs. My best advice to you would be... be smart. ARMA is a simulator by design. When playing Day Z nobody wants things to be 'fair'... If you want 'fair' a shooter more arcade-based may be more appropriate. Move north if you don't want pot shots taken at you by every new player with an Enfield.
  15. andy_uk15@hotmail.com

    Shooting everything you see isn't realistic...

    To be fair, in the dire circumstance of an apocalyptic event, anything we may call 'humanity' takes a back seat when survival is at stake. While I don't actively hunt other players, and generally avoid conflict - if at all possible; I am aware that others will be more bloodthirsty / greedy in nature. People say that it is unrealistic to shoot people on sight for 'shits and giggles'... But ask yourself - Is it? Is it really? In a world where there are no rules & regulations, no societal constraints, no law, no order. What is stopping people from killing indiscriminately? While some may feel bound to some moral obligation - it's likely that most will not. And that's the simple fact. I don't find this sort of behavior unreal what-so-ever. An interesting thing to note - while playing Day Z with a group of friends, I become less of a cautious survivor, and more akin to a unit within a marauding pack of dogs. What ever you think of Day Z and the players in it - it evokes decision making of a more aggressive and primal nature. There are no 'logical members of society' in Day Z, you are communing with neanderthal's. My best advice to you would be... be smart. ARMA is a simulator by design. When playing Day Z nobody wants things to be 'fair'... If you want 'fair' a more arcade-based shooter may be more appropriate for you. Move north if you don't want pot shots taken at you by every new player with an Enfield.